I Just Got 3 Turtles Need Advice

I guess it'd be ok, but I just don't understand how it can neutralize the water and put calcium in it all at once. Calcium raises Ph and a neutral Ph is 7.0. Confusing much?
Honestly, I would return them. If they are RES, which I think they are, they need a minimum of about 10g per inch.
That's an excellent care sheet one them, tells how big they get and everything.
A male will generally get about 8 inches, and a female will get about 11 inches. So you'll need at LEAST a 240g tank, if they're all males, and preferably larger, since males will fight.
Try a frog, they're a lot smaller and easier to car for. Cheaper in the long run too! Just as cute as a turtle, possibly even cuter. :shifty:
Great,my computer is acting weird again.
Man do I dislike my computer

Looks like you been given Red Ear Slider turtles.
Now here's for the Uh-Oh.
I have 2 of them.
I really hope you can spend money in an exceptional filter,your going to need it...hehe.

Lets see,mine are almost adult,hard to tell the gender at that age by the way.
The teeny tiny turtles you have there.
These amazing animals can grow as large as a dinner plate.
Not to mention they need an heater& a basking light& basking spot.
Aquarium wise,three adult turtles,your looking at a 200gallon or so with an even greater filter.
They grow fast.
Your turtles at the moment will be more carnivorus as opposed to mine which prefer more plant matter since they are older.
You'll need a varied diet,don't just feed the pellets!

You can expect to change water weekly.
They're tiny yet,so you can maybe go two weeks.
Calcium is great as well.
Remember these guys can get shell rot,it's not pretty.
You have a lot of work cut out for you.
This is also a species that's very long lived.

Oh you can get little blocks in the shape of a turtle to put in the tank.Also cuttlebone (yeah like for birds) that'll help get calcium in the little guys.
Turtle lagoons are cruel.:(

Not to sound mean,but you really should research any living creature before bringing it home.
No pet wants to be passed around from home to home,it's traumatic.
Oh, and this is a valid statement. Make sure you have someone in your family who knows how to care for them just in case they outlive you.
Speaking of reptiles. I used to have a savannah monitor but it got out of its pen and ran into the road and got hit by a car.
here is a pic with the jubo swamp I just got and a comparison pic with the lagoon I had them in at first, its much roomier now :good:




its a much better size for them atm, im not expert on turtles, but maybe you could add a few cheap floating plants, like hornwort or elodea, they'll probably eat it lol, but they might like being under cover or floating around on them.
yeah, i need to buy those logs they sell at the pet store.
They are going to need something alot bigger that that when they get big!
They don;t even sell them in england now! lol

Oh and they love to hide when they are young so fake plants are goods.... no point in real ones! They wont last long at all! lol
Do you know how many gallons that 'lagoon' is? You're probably better off getting a cheap 20g long from the fish store.... :unsure:
Gotta say, depending on the fish store you go to you can get a 75gallon tank for not that much. If you live near a Petsmart pop in there. The 75gallon tanks at petsmart are $229.99-$259.99, no that much to spend, that'd do for a time as your red ear sliders will out grow that little lagoon in probably 2 months. Even with a 20gallon tank your looking at about 2, 3 months maximum before you need to upgrade again. I'm sorry but it has to be said. Return the turtle to the store if your not able to care for them. The store should've known better than to sell turtles before educating the person buying them, return them to the store, even if you can't get your money back. You could keep one, but still you'll need a 75gallon tank minimum for about a year or 2 before it outgrows that tank.

Good luck, and sorry yet again, but they need to be returned for their sakes and yours.

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