I bought my 6 young albinos a week ago and have some questions.
1. Despite my best efforts to buy healthy fish, their fins are slightly frayed. They are not red or irritated or anything. The water is very clean; will this clear up?
2. Every once in a while one of the cories will violently convulse for a few seconds; it will twitch to one side. Then everything will return to normal. After I fed my fish a ton of frozen bloodworms last night one of my cories (while relieving itself) frantically swam around the bottom of the tank, rubbing on its side against the gravel for a few seconds,. Within 10 seconds, everything was back to normal.
Any advice is highly appreciated!!!!
1. Despite my best efforts to buy healthy fish, their fins are slightly frayed. They are not red or irritated or anything. The water is very clean; will this clear up?
2. Every once in a while one of the cories will violently convulse for a few seconds; it will twitch to one side. Then everything will return to normal. After I fed my fish a ton of frozen bloodworms last night one of my cories (while relieving itself) frantically swam around the bottom of the tank, rubbing on its side against the gravel for a few seconds,. Within 10 seconds, everything was back to normal.
Any advice is highly appreciated!!!!