For the cory's how do I know if my gravel is sharp?

they are really cute and fast but I don't know their species

It's a Corydoras melanistius , that will grow up to 2.0 inches in length. They have the ability to tilt their eyes which looks like blinking. These fish are facultative air breathers, they have a highly vascularized intestine that facilitates the uptake of atmospheric oxygen so they will often go to the surface for a gulp of air. Due to the ability for breathing atmospheric air, the aquarium should have a cover and the tank shouldn’t be filled to the top.
Here is photo of the fish I bought online. I bought 5 of these fishes. Once my tank cycles, for a few weeks. I will buy a few more. This is a beautiful fish.


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Here is photo of the fish I bought online. I bought 5 of these fishes. Once my tank cycles, for a few weeks. I will buy a few more. This is a beautiful fish.

Just make sure you change to a soft sand substrate. Cories must have this. The problem with gravel is less the sharpness (though that is one serious issue) and more a bacterial problem. Also, cories filter feed, and they cannot do this with gravel.

You mention the water temperature is around 80F--is there a reason? Cories canot last at this high a temperature long-term. Around 75-77F is as high as the water temperature should be. The other fish mentioned will also be fine in the lower temperature too, fortunately.
I get 2 temp readings. The strip that I have on the tank reads: 77 degrees.
The thermometer reads 80. Which should I believe?
I also will buy soft sand, for my fish, and get rid of the gravel. I will go to Amazon and buy it. So should I do a 50 percent water change? Then scoop out the gravel, after that put in the sand and leave some of the gravel in for a few weeks.
I get 2 temp readings. The strip that I have on the tank reads: 77 degrees.
The thermometer reads 80. Which should I believe?
I also will buy soft sand, for my fish, and get rid of the gravel. I will go to Amazon and buy it. So should I do a 50 percent water change? Then scoop out the gravel, after that put in the sand and leave some of the gravel in for a few weeks.

The digital stick-on thermometers are not always accurate, I would trust the thermometer by which I am assuming you mean a glass red liquid thermometer that floats or can be fastened to the inside glass. Heaters are not always calibrated accurately, so just lower the setting a very luittle, and give it 24+ hours and see, then lower it a tad more if needed. Don't make too much of a lowering but do it slowly in stages.

Is this sand ok to buy? Sand for fish I also have a 20 gal tank, so how much sand should I buy?

No you do not want aragonite sand, it is calcareous and will increase the GH and pH. Cories are soft water. The best aquarium sand in my view is quality play sand. You are in NA so go to Lowe's or Home Depot, they carry Quikrete Play Sand. This is superb sand, I've used it in all tanks for 9+ years. It comes in 50 pound/25 kg bags, just one will give you plenty, but it is inexpensive, probably around $6 for the bag, maybe $7. You want around 1 to 1.5 inch depth when evened out initially, then you can move it where you want it, or have a bit more in back.
Do I Pour old tank water over the gravel a few times to rinse away the debris? What I mean is; when I put the sand in my tank Do I rinse with tank water?
Rinse the new sand in buckets. I rinsed mine for about 5 to 10 mins moved it around with my hands and then rinsed again for another 5 or 10 mins.

Then transferred to my tank. I probably could of rinsed for longer though
Yes, you rinse sand in a bucket, never in the aquarium. I personally do not rinse it all that much, as the dirt is harmless and wasting water is something than my tanks do enough of without me adding. Remove all the gravel, completely. Rinse the sand in a bucket, then add it. I do this in a dry tank, with the fish and plants in a temporary tank. It is so much easier.

Yes, Quikrete Play Sand. Make sure it is play sand, they make other types that are not at all good for fish. You will not get a softer sand than this play sand.
What do I remove the gravel with? I have paper cups, but it may take awhile to get all the gravel out. What would you suggest?
What do I remove the gravel with? I have paper cups, but it may take awhile to get all the gravel out. What would you suggest?

I use one of those plastic containers they sell certain food in at the grocery store. They hold about 1 or 1.5 cups.
I use one of those plastic containers they sell certain food in at the grocery store. They hold about 1 or 1.5 cups.
Do I throw the sand in the tank, while the fish are in the tank? I do not want to stress the fish out, by pouring sand in the tank. Or does it matter?
Do I throw the sand in the tank, while the fish are in the tank? I do not want to stress the fish out, by pouring sand in the tank. Or does it matter?
You should remove the fish before taking sand/gravel out and putting more in... It will prevent any injury. Its what I did for my tank when I completely rescaped it
You should remove the fish before taking sand/gravel out and putting more in... It will prevent any injury. Its what I did for my tank when I completely rescaped it
How should I move Cory fish out of the tank? They are fast moving fish. should I use a cup, or fish net? Do cory fish jump? I think I can remove my glow tetra's, they do not swim away, when I come towards the tank. Maybe they be easy to catch, once I empty out, some of the fish water.

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