I have a friend

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Angel Lady

Pet of the Month Leader
Mar 9, 2003
Reaction score
Hazard Kentucky
It is around 13 years of age and it started last week having seizures. The first one it had was a week ago. She doesnt have the money to take it to the vet. I told her I would loan her the money Monday to take it. if the poor dog last that long .What I was wanting to know if anyone here has had a dog to have seizures before? So I could tell her what to do for the dog until Monday. The vets here in hazard are closed until Monday and neither one of us know what to do for the poor dog.. :dunno:
I wasn't very old back in the day when we had to deal with such problems. But when I was 8 or 9, I remember we had a husky who was on heavy medication due to the seizures she had... All I remember is... Sometimes, when she had seizures, she got VERY VICIOUS. So it may be wise, has much as instinct is to comfort the dog, so stay clear of them while they are having a seizure.

I've only had experience with 1 dog that had seizured, so my opinion could be VERY far off... Most dogs might not get mean. But it is something you may want to tell your friend, just incase she does have to deal with one of hose cases of horrible aggression.

Our husky has killed animals and caused family members hospital visits when she was having seizures. Luckily, they did not occur often enough that we needed to euthenize her due to the danger. We just all learned a 'procedure' to keep us and herself safe.

Good luck


**edit** Also might want to mention, the aggression did not start until she was 14 or so, though she had been having seizures since she was a puppy. She died around age 17 (VERY old for a large dog methinks) when we finally had to have her euthenized due to crippling arthritis.
This dog isnt getting mean she is just running in to things. She is blind due to old age I should have told you all that. I feel so sorry for the poor thing, :sad: :hyper: :dunno:
It doesn't sound good I'm afraid :no: It sounds like the dog has had something similar to a stroke. If that's the case there is very little to be done - especially at that age. Do let her know that she might need to prepare herself for the worst and that the vet might advise to put the dog to sleep :sad:
If the dog is now going to have little to no quality of life it might be the best thing to do.
Let us know how it goes but all the best to your friend and her dog.
I told her she should prepare for the worst with the dog. She loves him so much she got him out of the pound when he was two, and she has had him ever since. I feel so bad for her and the dog. I am going to pay for having it put down if that is what it needs. I just hope they are something else that can be done.. But thanks I will tell her my friends on the forum sends thier best wishes to her.
KeddyPie said:
I wasn't very old back in the day when we had to deal with such problems. But when I was 8 or 9, I remember we had a husky who was on heavy medication due to the seizures she had... All I remember is... Sometimes, when she had seizures, she got VERY VICIOUS. So it may be wise, has much as instinct is to comfort the dog, so stay clear of them while they are having a seizure.

I've only had experience with 1 dog that had seizured, so my opinion could be VERY far off... Most dogs might not get mean. But it is something you may want to tell your friend, just incase she does have to deal with one of hose cases of horrible aggression.

Our husky has killed animals and caused family members hospital visits when she was having seizures. Luckily, they did not occur often enough that we needed to euthenize her due to the danger. We just all learned a 'procedure' to keep us and herself safe.

Good luck


**edit** Also might want to mention, the aggression did not start until she was 14 or so, though she had been having seizures since she was a puppy. She died around age 17 (VERY old for a large dog methinks) when we finally had to have her euthenized due to crippling arthritis.
Was that the same dog that killed your cats by braking there necks? :huh:
i know its not a dog but my rabbit used to have them (sadly she died a year ago at the age of 4-rip snowy)she used to run in to things and she wasnt even blind.it was like she head butted the sides of her cage,it frighhtend my other rabbit to death,so we used to take her out when we knew she was in danger. but i too think due to her age,its not good news.any way i hope shes ok and i think its great that your giving or lending the money for the vet. :)
Personally..if your friend doesn't have the money to take the dog to the vet now...and you are willing to pay for it..you should have the dog PTS at this point.

I say this, not because I think it's an easy way out of a problem..but so the dog doesn't have to suffer needlessly because the owner cannot afford to take the dog to the vet whenever the dog may need it. I'm also certain that your friend would not be able to afford the medications this dog will probably need from now on for whatever is wrong with it.

As a pet owner..there comes a time (inevitably) that we all have to make this decision. To keep our pets from suffering. If you cannot afford to have the problem fixed and treated on a continuous basis...then you should put the animal down. At 13-14 yrs old and blind...the dog has certainly led a full life. Sometimes I feel it's best to let them die with some dignity...instead of hurt, scared, and in pain.

This is the #1 reason I have pet insurance on my dogs now. So if something goes wrong (which it always does when you least expect it) you have a softer blow to your pocket book. And you can afford to have problems taken care of that you normally may not be able to afford at the time of incident.

This is the insurance I have
For the price you pay per year..it's WELL worth it. Should your dog or cat get run over and need surgery.

Pet insurance in UK
Here is one for the UK people I found while looking for my insurance online.

You can also pick up pamplets at your vet on this as well...or you can here anyways.
Thanks she came up last nite in tears over it. I told her if she care at all for the dog she would have it put down. She is supposed to come and get the money her in a few minutes. So I will let you all know how it turns out..
Oh dear it's one of the most horrid gut wrenching things to do :sad: - after an animal has been around for 13 years, it's well and truly been part of the family - but under the circumstances it sounds like it might well be the best thing to do to let the dog be put to sleep.

Well done for lending her some money :thumbs:
Well she made it back in tears. They put her dog to sleep. Turns out it had brain tumors. I didnt know what to say to her. But she seems to be ok with it at the time. She says it is going to be hard to live without her but she didnt want her to suffer any longer. she said that dog was like a child to her. When she gets home is when it will hurt her the most. She is going back right now to pick her up so she can burry her. She said she want to do that much for her since she couldnt save her.
I'm so sorry to hear :-( .
Though I have to say I'm astound that they were able to tell it's brain tumours without doing an MRI scan - which really is the only way you can tell and it's an incredibly expensive scan to do - no x-ray can pic up on that :/

Anyhow, so sorry for your friend but she has to reassure herself that she was brave enough to do what was best for her dog.
They run a scan on it. The human society help pay for this. She had some knots on her breast that she chewed off on her own. They couldnt believe it when they saw her. She has been at the vets office all day. She got plenty of help with the bill It only cost me 50 dollars. They helped her with the rest plus the vet took off his fee and only charged her for the scans and so on..I forgot to mention this.
Angel Lady said:
They run a scan on it. The human society help pay for this. She had some knots on her breast that she chewed off on her own. They couldnt believe it when they saw her. She has been at the vets office all day. She got plenty of help with the bill It only cost me 50 dollars. They helped her with the rest plus the vet took off his fee and only charged her for the scans and so on..I forgot to mention this.
Wow that's really amazing - an MRI scan here in the UK can only be done in very specialized centres and most vets actually go to a human hospital to have this done - hilarious as this sounds - but these machines are hundreds of thousands of Pounds worth and to have a dog scanned is something like $2000. The dog has to be kept under anaesthetics while it's in the machine and they generally just don't do that here with animals that are that old and have had seizures.
She's very lucky to have paid so little without insurance. In the UK they probably would have just put the animal straight to sleep due to age and medical history.

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