i hate those damn rescues


Fish Aficionado
Apr 22, 2004
Reaction score
I was at a shopping mall and they just opened up a new pet store, so instinctivly i had to take a look at the fish, mainly goldies and guppies but then i saw a cup no more then 0.15 gallons (it was a plastic cup, i have them aswell) and in it, was a plae - washed out yellow betta, i bargained with the guy for a while and got it for 4 dollars(half price).
It has a couple ripped up fins but fromn what i can see it is a comb tail, and has some clear fins at the end of the tail but i think those are just fins regrowing.

He will be gowing in my 5 gal devided(luckily i have no fish in it yet) but for now he is in my 20 gal which i devided for him, and he loves flaring at the tetras :p

I'll post pics later

I look forward to seeing your pics when you have them
Congrats DD, you'll soon become addicted to bettas, trust me. :p

I can't wait for pics. :)

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