I hate people like this >:(

how could she keep fish for that long, put that much effort in, then "suddenly" decide she wants to kill them all!? do you think she might have multiple personalities??
maybe it was just a "fad" for her...u know...like clothes. once they aren't cool, and are just boring, ya just throw em out!

sick....just sick...
I really hate it when I hear of people "flushing" fish. Even dead ones, it's just not right. Why didn't she take them back to the LFS, or offer them to you, give them away.......but she flushed them down the toilet.

Some people should not be allowed to keep other forms of life. There should be some type of IQ test........ :crazy: :crazy: :crazy: :crazy: :crazy: :crazy: :crazy:

thats the longest swear sentence ive ever done

^%$# HER
It all comes down to, lack of devotion. She probably figured it'd be the quickest way to get rid of them.

People who go through phases should NOT pick up the fish hobby.

That really sickens me to hear those fish had to fall in the hands of such a careless owner.
Only one emoticon can express my feelings...

to everyone -

I have no idea why the fish were treated like this. I can remember WHY she got the fish though (this is the part where you all cringe..) - Finding Nemo. She seemed to think that fish were "cool" so she spent a fortune buying stuff.. I helped her plant up her tank and helped her pick some things out. But she obviously got bored with it *sigh* now I know why her mother stopped her having pets...

and for the record - she didn't give me any of the stuff. No fish, no plants, no equipment.. not even a shoddy piece of gravel.

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