I hate people like this >:(


Mar 7, 2004
Reaction score
Cardiff, Wales
God, I went to my mates house today and she said she had some bad news about her tank.

She had an 80G tank, very pretty - fully planted angelfish tank in fact. She decided she didn't want the fish anymore so instead of asking me if i want anything (since she knows how much I like fish) what does she do? She flushed the lot... what couldn't be flushed was decapitated and chucked over the garden hedge.

I just walked out without saying a word to her..
What do you mean, she flushed all the fish in the toilet?????, that's pretty ####ed up....why would anyone toss a fish, especially a nice and healthy fish.... :angry:
G_Sharky said:
What do you mean, she flushed all the fish in the toilet?????, that's pretty ####ed up....why would anyone toss a fish, especially a nice and healthy fish.... :angry:
a lot of them were REALLY really nice fish too... I loved her angels, they were absolutely gorgeous. :(

I couldn't believe that she'd done that..
Hmm. This is ludicrous. Did she skip her medication or something?
Well you know what they say about great minds thinking alike!! :S
She just got bored with the fish? There was like no real reason for flushing them?

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