Tasmin is hid behind the bed, kitty and edward won't come out of the garage, bangs last night and edward wouldn't eat anything which is not him, how are you tonight pet owners in the uk.
Sorry to hear your cats are scared. Mine are all asleep and dont seem to have noticed the fireworks My horse is stood in his stable watching them! And my dogs love the fireworks too! They're stood in the windows watching them
I guess my animals just dont get stressed by them...
Bonfire night is when we brits pollute the air with un needed bonfires to mark something that happened years and years ago.
the story goes that guy fawkes and his band of merry men oops sorry, wrong story.
Basically its about a bloke called guy fawkes who plotted with others to blow up the houses of commons but they were caught and done for treason.
Guy fawkes being the leader was burned at the stake for his crime and thats why we burn his effigy on a bonfire each year and the fireworks are to mark what the gunpowder explosion might have looked like.
Some people think he should have been made a hero for trying but there you go thats roughly i think how it goes.
You can tell i dont go to them cant you. Waste of time and money really and hundreds of people each year are either burnt or maimed by the mis use of them especially kids.
Google Guy Fawkes will give you a better understanding of what happened as i never really listened in my history classes at school.
Guy wasn't the leader... That was a bloke named Robert Catesby. Guy was the first one to be caught... He was the one to be responsible for carrying out the act.