I Has Baby Guppies!


New Member
Nov 22, 2008
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Well after much fun getting the tank set up over the past few months and actually not having any dead fish (Which tbh i was expecting) i have baby guppies!!

there's about 5 of them, and i have never had baby fish before so any and all help would be fantastic. they're about 8mm long right now and luckily the adults are leaving them well alone (they're all in the same tank), i only feed my fish once a day on tropical fish flake and i've read that fry have an insatiable (spelling?) appetite...so should i feed them twice a day?

also i've been doing a partial water change once a week, should i hold off on that?

basically all advice would be great! im just rather proud that i have babies!!

as a side note...how do you tell male and female danios apart????
Congrats on the fry! I feed mine at least 4-5 times a day.
Go to the livebearer section of the forum get plenty of help over there.
Think you have to feed them 5 times aday on crushed flakes and baby brime strimp.
Plenty of hiding spaces, and float a plant at the top of the tank, when I had babies most of them with hide in the plant.
first off, Congrats on the fry :#
I think you really should have some planted area or some cover for the fry if theres one not already there. Even with feeding the adults often, they still like to nimble on anythin they might find, and this could be the fry so i wouldn't risk it.
Lettuce leaves I find are a really good asset to a tank, the adults nimble on the leaves as their decyin and eat any algae that grows on it, but most of all, the fry hide in between the crinkles of the leaves. I have lettuce leaves in my tanks at all times, and they have saved so many fry for me.

Note on any other food other than crushed flake food, make sure all food is well crushed and broken up. I read that fry wont go near food thats too big for them, this is wrong. Due to my own carelessness, 2 fry died on me this weekend from choking on bloodworms that weren't grated :-(
Bless them R.I.P.
Hi deadlypoison :)

I'm glad to learn that your tank is doing well and that you even have fry. I'll move your thread over to the Livebearers section for you.
It's my reccomendation to get the fry into a seperate tank so they can get the care they need. Theres a very, very good chance (or probability) that some will get eaten, if left with adults. If you had fry once you will most likely have another drop next month.
hello and thank you for all the advice (and for moving my thread - sorry im always getting them in the wrong places!!)
have fed them three times today and have made sure everything is all well crushed to basically powder. i have no access to anything much atm, being this close to xmas and my dad is my only form of transport to the fish shop!!

i have plants, part of which is floating in the top of the tank - i do need to get more actually.

my females are pregnant again! its only started since i got my other male (I have red, who is my original male from my first batch of fish) and then ive had two males since him (that have died) and i recently got my pretty black one (named marilyn [manson] due to the black) and its only since i've got marilyn that the ladies have been getting pregnant, either way im happy!

i have 5 fry that i have counted (woo) but i dont know what sex they are yet.

again thank you for all the help!!! i will upload some pictures when i've gone through them to see the best ones!
It's my reccomendation to get the fry into a seperate tank so they can get the care they need. Theres a very, very good chance (or probability) that some will get eaten, if left with adults. If you had fry once you will most likely have another drop next month.

i forgot to address this bit - i can't transfer them to another tank - i dont have another tank and i have nowhere to fit another tank unfortunately so im kind of just replying on alot of hope that they don't get eaten - although they are quite large and the other fish are leaving them well alone so *fingers crossed*


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Hi my guppies have had fry I ended up with about 40 wihtout no breeding net over the space of a month

I have a fry tank 22 ltr so i cant keep them in there too long !!!!

i counted in my other thank there is another 14 or more babies !!!!! they seem to be doing ok so I dunno about moving them
But omg i only been feeding mine twice a day maybe I should feed more

And well done !!!!
i only have my little tank (i cant remember its capactiy i just know its 2ft by 1ft by 1ft) and thats my upgrade from my initial tank which only held 14 litres.
you dont have to have a fry tank I brought one coz of an overload of babies

They take so long to grow and what you get for them when your sell them well to me its not really worth it Id rather give the babies aay

Just get a planted corner maybe some ppl off here can give you some cuttings hehe
i said to my parents after xmas when the fish shop is open i need to get more plants, no iffs or buts.

my dad is a pain in the arris!
:lol: plants are good live ones are better for the tank too
have a look at my guppy post below you about my guppies you will see my plants
i didnt spend much they just grow then you can cut in half and replant (check that with some lol) dont go hackin them all up
If you could get a clump of java moss it would go a long ways to saving livebearer fry. With 8 to 10 hours a day of the feeble lights that come with most tanks, it will expand to give lots of fry cover and make a single tank workable for fry. The hornwort you have is nice but it doesn't give nearly as much cover.

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