I Had To Euthanise A Fish Today..

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Grow a pair its a fish it died move on millions of other animals die everyday, I have killed around 5 mosquitoes in the last 20 mins. I am not saying what you did was wrong I think it was honourable and correct but being reduced to tears over it is another matter.

I have euthanised loads of fish because of bad spearfishing in the areas I have worked, the insides are literally ripped out of wrasse and other less desirable species as people shoot spears at the large barracuda and tuna or other desirable species. As a result I get my dive knife out and slice its spine and if possible its head to ensure its death as opposed to twitching on the sea floor.

Particular reason you decided to chime in and attack me?
Nothing nice to say, say nothing at all.

I don't see it as an attack. simply a different, and quite valid, point of view.
to me, the attack is from you. questioning saltyny's right, to air his views.

There is nothing wrong with the point made, as you'll see I have not said anything about his logic.
Quite simply the language he used to express his point is offensive. "Grow a pair" for example.
It is an attack as he is basically saying he agrees with what I did, but doesn't agree with how I coped with it.
He's entitled to his opinion, but if he can't express them in a polite and respectful manner like everyone else does, I don't wish to hear it.

oh, i see. if you dont like what people say, hoverer relevant, you ignore it. does not make saltynay's comments an attack. just that you are unprepared to accept it.

"Grow a pair, it's a fish, it died"..
"but being reduced to tears over it is another matter"
Oh come on, that's full out right flaming.

Not exactly like I attacked back, just said what everyone was taught when they were young "nothing nice to say, don't say anything at all".

This has all been blown completely out of proportion, simply because someone didn't think "would this incite an argument?" before they posted.
Also, how would we have debates if everyone just ignored what they didn't like? The world would be in chaos if everyone just ignored everything.

"The world's ending"
Nope, it's not. I'm ignoring it.
i can see both side to the story here, i didn't find Salty's comment as an attack, however you don't know what Vics state of mind was like at the time. Would you post it on the net, i don't know. I suppose some people are just a bit harder than others. I myself personally wouldn't cry over killing a fish, but i would be a blubbering reck if my dog died.
"Grow a pair, it's a fish, it died"..
"but being reduced to tears over it is another matter"
Oh come on, that's full out right flaming.

how could you consider that flaming? oh, yeah, they don't agree with you!
I agree this is out of proportion. however it has got so, by your unreasonable reaction, to saltynay's post. his view, though you may not agree, is perfectly reasonable. and eminently practical.
I find it kind of sad that this topic has gone way out of proportion. Someone did a kind thing, and yet it turns into this? Makes no sense.

I can understand why it was perceived as flaming, especially if when the OP was upset about this incident. It might not have been the intention of saltynay to upset, but things could have been worded better. But honestly, why are people still going on about it?

I personally get upset every time I loose a fish. Yes they are "just fish", but at the end of the day, IMO, they are still animals and deserve to live well and should be treated with the same compassion as other animals.

Just my two cents.
I think if a woman had posted this account of having cried over the horrendous suffering of a fish and having to euthanise it, nobody would blink an eyelid. We are perceived by many as the weaker sex so therefore it's ok for us to cry. But hear a man say that he cried over a fish and woah, no, we can't have that can we eh? It's the way society has been conditioned, unfortunately. It's daft, in my opinion, because men have feelings and emotions, too. So why shouldn't they cry? Why should us women have the monopoly over that LOL.

And what's wrong with sharing a story like this? How many times have I read posts on here from people who have been devastated over the loss of a fish or upset at the way some fish, like bettas, are kept in cups and other inhumane treatment of fish that don't even belong to them? I don't think the OP was upset at losing his "pet", as it was only his for a very short time but I believe his emotions possibly stemmed from being upset and enraged at the total neglect of this fish by the LFS and their irresponsible/carefree attitude that meant this fish would have a slow, long drawn out and possibly painful death.

Some people naturally have more compassion than others, some are more emotional, some are more expressive and brave enough to open up and admit to others that they are like that, rather than keeping a stiff upper lip and saying nothing.

I don't think the OP deserved to be mocked - and on a forum where we are all strangers, sharing views, helping, giving support and understanding, I think the comment to "grow a pair etc etc" was uncalled for really. If you were out in public, in a bar, say, and talking about this around a table to a group of people you'd just met and one of them piped up with "grow a pair..." well, that's the sort of careless comment that leads to scuffles outside!! What that comment is saying is "you're not a man" ! It's belittling and provocative.

Of course, some people talk like this to their mates and that's a different matter. Friends who know each other very well can get away with saying all sorts of derogatory things and it's taken as a joke. Saying it to a total stranger is not funny, though.

Not what you expect from a friendly forum.

...and that's my two penneth worth :lol:
For the record a Vegan is someone who doesn't eat any meat or any produce of an animal (so milk cheese etc). A Vegetarian is someone who doesn't eat any meat (what I am)which I think is what you meant.

Which must mean I'm allowed to mourn the loss of my fish, how lucky I am!

Vaegavic, don't worry - I'll do it for you ;)
But hear a man say that he cried over a fish and woah, no, we can't have that can we eh?

women love men who show emotion ;) :p apparently :D just some other guys who think its weak tbh i dont care who cries and who dont if you wanna cry cry if you dont wanna cry dont cry everyone is different

each to there own and all that :)

Guys we are all here for the same reason - our love of fish! Lets all agree to disagree and end the arguments by saying that we all think that in ending the poor fishes life Vaegavic did the right thing, and I for one say thank you to him for his compassion and careing. :good:
Couldn't agree more with Gilli :good:
I'd never cry over the loss of a fish, not because im some tough guy and shows no emotion.
And it's not that I don't get attached to them, I love my fish to bits and they mean the world to me. I think it's just a personal thing not to get too emotional from a pet fish dying, I mean i've lost worse things like my best friend when I was 12.

I can understand why Vic got so emotional, and credit were credit is due, just shows how much of a compassionate person he is. Which the world has a shortage of.

I can also understand Salty's views, but they were expressed in the wrong manner which I would be offended by, way out of line.

Just my views on the topic :good:

Edit: apologise for spelling and grammer, im tired :zz

:-( I'm sorry that happened. I hate when you have to put a fish down, I had to do it to one of my zebra danios this morning :(

It was very sweet of you to end that poor fishes suffering. Bravo
carn't beleive i have read through all these posts, after about 5 posts the topic went completely off fish LOL. am i on the wrong website here ?? haha
On a more serious note i also had to put my first fish down this morning and wouldn't want to ever to do it again
Thats what Im saying... its ridicolus that this went to page 3 with 2 1/2 pages just arguing if you would feel bad if you lose a fish....

I feel bad if I lose ANY of my fish, no matter how long I have had it. But it has to be a fish I have had for a VERY long time to almost cry.......
Well it's an open discussion, people express their views and comment on others...

I agree with you James, everyone is entitled to their own opinions, but as this is the internet and as such we cannot express our emotions as we would face to face, i.e. through tone of voice, facial expressions and body language, I think more of an effort should be made in order to convey what you mean in a non offensive manner. Unfortunately it's way too easy to miss understand what someone has written which leads to these kind of topics :(
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