I Got What Was Called A Bristlenoses Pleco But Im Not Shore If Thats R


Nov 4, 2005
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and evan if its a Bristlenoses Pleco theres difrent typs of Bristlenoses i think right?(i only think that cuz i no for shore that i have anuther pleco that is an albino bristlenose pleco and i think i saw on the net about anuther typ ......but any way the one i got yesterday from a small place that sells fish half the names of the fish they have were not labeled they called this one a bristlenose pleco its a baby and its dark allmost black with little white dots and looks alot like the albino one i have i dont have a pic so any guessers on Identifying it would be nice :p thanks for any help
What size is the fish? And where are the spots located? Body, fins, etc?
i cant tell u the size right now cuz i dont have a ruler on me but i would say its only a baby cuz its realy small the little white dots are all over the body and fins
welll yes it looks like that but the white dots are alot smaller could it be its age ? cuz it looks like that but it looks darker cuz the dots are so small from far away u might think it was just black but when u get realy near to it there lots and lots of little white dots covering it
Yes, it could be age. Could you just estimate how big your pleco is? Assuming the distance from your thumbnail to the first knuckle is about 1 inch. Is on me, anyway. That's only approxamite.
hmmmmm probly arownd an inch maby little smaller but im going to say 1 inch
i made an error there the size is more like a little over a quarter of an inch
i no theres albino bristlenose pleco but are there other typs of bristlenose ?
Yes there are two variants: Veiltail(basically a long finned version), and the Starlight bristlenose: midnight black with minute white spots, sometimes called a peppermint.
Yes there are two variants: Veiltail(basically a long finned version), and the Starlight bristlenose: midnight black with minute white spots, sometimes called a peppermint.

Actually, what we know as a bristlenose is several different species, not all described. The starlight bristlenose is a separate species, and so is the ranunculus. The veiltail and the albino seem to be tankbred varieties of the common bristlenose- whatever that may be (there is a LOT of confusion on this subject). The common non-albino, non-veiltail form is blackish/greyish/brown with white spots, base colour can vary according to mood.
oh cool so what color are they when happy light or dark

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