I Got Some New Bits For My Reef Tank :)


Fish Crazy
Jun 6, 2009
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Hey all :)

Went to my LFS today and they had some new stuff, yay!
finally managed to get some Zoas, and they are cool colours too :) also got a bright, and i mean bright, green mushroom rock too.

heres some pics, the bright green mushroom is green even with no lights on! never seen one so bright!!



the zoas havent come out properly yet, only been in tank 25 mins lol, but they look cool already!



and a FTS but its too bright outside for my crappy camera to pick up properly... sorry
Nice looking shrooms, they are pretty green!
BTW you may want some kind of sand sifter lol.
lol, i mix it up every week or so, got loads of snails and hermits but they dont seem to do much really :(
What snails you got? Nothing murders manky sand like a true sand sifter, try a goby of some variety or a conch.
ive got a green coral goby, but he is actually very dark blue lol. he never goes to the bottom of the tank...
been looking at sand siting starfish, but they might destroy my setup lol
whats the best goby to get?
Unless you have a BIG tank don't get a sand sifting star, they die.
For gobies crosshatch, rainfordi, hectors spring to mind but there are many others.
If you already have a goby prehaps consider an invert like a queen or warrior conch.
Unless you have a BIG tank don't get a sand sifting star, they die.
For gobies crosshatch, rainfordi, hectors spring to mind but there are many others.
If you already have a goby prehaps consider an invert like a queen or warrior conch.
:good: :good: :good:

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