I Got My New Tank!

cabomba, valisneria, cryptocoryne spiralis/albida, sessiflora, hygrophila, ludwigia and the like,
Tell me what type of plant you like and I'll suggest
I'm open to anything, but I like broad leafy plants, maybe more of a waxy feel, the fish leave them alone.  As far as plants similar to hornwort, or any kind that roots, I can't have they are not legal here...that makes me sad, hornwort I can have though.
I have led lighting, with some sunlight during the day, not directly though.  If that helps, absolutely no co2 added
oh and now that I have a nice start of java moss, should I let my babies out? and just see who the winners of the survival game are?
How about a background of Cryptocoryne albida.
Or if you want it a nice background of red cabomba

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