Miss Wiggle
Practically perfect in every way
First thing is to set up my quarantine tank so I'm not tempted to do anything stupid again. Obviously it'll have to cycle first, I'll nick some media out of hubby's tank to seed it. Couple of weeks, depending on how my big tanks going, and I might get some. Shall have to ask on the cory board (well technically they're not cories though are they lol) about the temps.
I've had no answer on the emergencies board about suitable treatments for making sure whatever it was has gone - do you think I should do a 5 day course of Myxazin and Pimafix just to make sure if it was columnaris that it's 100% cleared up?
yeah they've had some brochis in at paws for thought and they have to keep them in the plant tank thats furthest from the heater/filter cos it's the only one that's cool enough for them. not sure exactly what temp they like though.
hmmmm i'm not sure tbh, medication's not my field of expertise. when i've had undiagnosed problems before i've treated with melafix as it's a good all round tonic, stepped up my water changing so i know water quality is perfect and just kept a very close eye on things for a few weeks.
are you sure it was columnaris?