I found several eggs inside a seashell


New Member
Sep 18, 2003
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I found a batch of yellowish eggs inside a decorative seashell that the fish sometimes get into. I have two marble mollies (Both female) a white molly, a pleco and a betta. I thought that mollies were live bearers. Plus one marble molly is the mom and the other one is the daughter. The white molly is supposedely a female.The betta issupposed to be a male but it doesn't have the long fins, and I'm uncertain about the pleco. They all have been going inside this shell. HELP !!
I think it's your pleco, unless you have a snail inside of there but you said you didn't. Plecos can drop eggs " can't they " it just won't hatch..
:wub: Love is in the air for your fish. Even if you have two females doensn't mean you can't possibly have a male too. I thought I had bought two females my self, and now i have 4 babies swimming around, and they are the only two fish i have, lol.

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