I Found About 35 Eggs...


Fish Crazy
Jul 26, 2013
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Just wondering what fish these could belong to, I have about 35 yellowish eggs that I found in my tank. The fish in my tank that aren't livebearers are 2 clown plecos (unknown sexes), 1 honey gourami, 6 peppered corys, and 8 neon tetra. I also have malaysian trumpet snails if that matter at all (i know they give live birth).
I can't get pictures at the moment, sorry!
Where did you find them? Different species lay eggs in different ways, so that would help. They are most likely from the Corys.
I would guess the cories as well, especially since you were able to count them so easily.  I'm assuming they were on the glass, which is a hallmark of cories.  Neons are an egg scattering species, so I doubt that they would be easy to count.  I'd guess that the plecos aren't the parents, since they are 'cave' spawners, and the lone gourami is unlikely to lay eggs.
KittyKat said:
Where did you find them? Different species lay eggs in different ways, so that would help. They are most likely from the Corys.
eaglesaquarium said:
I would guess the cories as well, especially since you were able to count them so easily.  I'm assuming they were on the glass, which is a hallmark of cories.  Neons are an egg scattering species, so I doubt that they would be easy to count.  I'd guess that the plecos aren't the parents, since they are 'cave' spawners, and the lone gourami is unlikely to lay eggs.
I did find them on the glass, they ranged from 6 inches to a foot below the water line
Cories then, guaranteed.
Cories for sure :)
you might wanna think about moving them at some point, the plec might find them a tasty treat

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