"No one is a failure unless you try"
I found it sitting in the concrete hallway between apartments when I was on my way home Saturday. I scooped it into a box (no direct contact, don't worry) and kept it overnight. I tried contacting the local bat rehabber but she never got back to me. However, Sunday night it was much more active than it had been Saturday and it had drunk from its water dish, so I decided to try releasing it. After a couple of unsuccessful attempts, off it flew! It was a Mexican freetailed, which is a species that can't take off from ground level, so I think it probably just got grounded in the hallway and didn't have anywhere to climb up so it could take off again. It didn't show any signs of rabies or cat attack or anything, the little guy seemed pretty healthy
I can't tell you how much I enjoyed having such close contact with this little creature, bats have been my absolute fave animals since 4th grade. I don't currently have the facilities to rehabilitate bats, but I think I will try volunteering at the local bat lab, or try to become a subpermittee so I could at least care for orphans until they are ready to start learning to fly and catching their own insects. There's also a bat rehabilitation boot camp next summer that looks like fun
. Gotta get my rabies vaccine first!
The night I found it, checking it over for signs of injury
Just prior to release
Happy camper

I can't tell you how much I enjoyed having such close contact with this little creature, bats have been my absolute fave animals since 4th grade. I don't currently have the facilities to rehabilitate bats, but I think I will try volunteering at the local bat lab, or try to become a subpermittee so I could at least care for orphans until they are ready to start learning to fly and catching their own insects. There's also a bat rehabilitation boot camp next summer that looks like fun
The night I found it, checking it over for signs of injury

Just prior to release

Happy camper