I Executed My Molly

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Lets say aliens exist. Just for the sake of argument they exist. We are like pets to them. SOmething interesting. They watch over us day after day from outside in, and we never know quite what they are, if they are real, or are we just seeing things through the big glass window we call the sky. In the same token the fish aren't sure what to make of us when we come to the front of their fish tank. They are amused by our antics. Our agression, beating each other up, or simply our daily activities, much like we look for in our pet fish.

One day, they get bored of us, or just simply, don't have the funds to observe us anymore. It would be easier to find a new planet with new organisms. So they decide to kill us all. How would you feel about this? Would you stick to your foolish pride and idiotic belief that fish are expendable, and that amuzing animals are expendable? So in this insitance, you would say to the aliens, "go for it", I mean afterall we are simply just their pets, and to them, we are backwards, primitive, and mindless, so we should be destroyed because we are no longer a cheap source of interest for them.

Your the type of people that don't really deserve to live. You don't take life seriously, and you don't understand what it is, and how great of a gift it is. You don't respect other animals gift of life either. You don't deserve it, and people like you are the reason humanity does nothing but destroy. You and people like you are the reason that almost 30 percent of Earth's species have gone extinct in the last 400 years. You are the reason for greed, apathy and death and your beliefs are the sturdy base of what is needed to be a sociepath, someone who has no morals and no fear of consequences.
Your the type of people that don't really deserve to live. You don't take life seriously, and you don't understand what it is, and how great of a gift it is. You don't respect other animals gift of life either. You don't deserve it, and people like you are the reason humanity does nothing but destroy. You and people like you are the reason that almost 30 percent of Earth's species have gone extinct in the last 400 years. You are the reason for greed, apathy and death and your beliefs are the sturdy base of what is needed to be a sociepath, someone who has no morals and no fear of consequences.

i hope you're on some sort of medication. a post like that saying humans don't deserve to live for a 10 cent fish makes one certifiable.
In general I disagree with Stan Laurel. However in this situation, I think it was a good idea to kill the molly as long as it was done humanely. It sounds like a bad sore and the molly might never get over it.
In general I disagree with Stan Laurel. However in this situation, I think it was a good idea to kill the molly as long as it was done humanely. It sounds like a bad sore and the molly might never get over it.

what should happen to folks who kill fish inhumanely ie flush, piranha food? do they not deserve to live as another member posted?
It all boils down to this, you always have the choice, show compassion or not. That's how we know good people from bad people, good people show compassion because they have a CONSCIENCE, good people just don't do or say certain things because they would feel bad about it afterwards. People are so selfish nowadays. It's like a video I saw the other day of some dude kicking some chipmunks out of his Air conditioner, he just tossed the newborns on the hard ground while he sat on his fat ass and recorded it, sure, he could of killed them, at least he let them go but it would of only taken 5 seconds to walk over and gently place them on the ground. All i'm saying is, it takes very little effort to show compassion to something like a little fish and it doesn't cost you anything, stop being a jerk.
lol, "committed such an act"

hey folks, i'm not a bleeding heart. but, i have cats and love them dearly and when i see a sick or injured bird or dog (i hate dogs) cat or whatever it kills me. i do have limits though. do you all cry when someone reels in a walleye and slices it open and eats it too? i don't know what to say, but a molly or a guppy or a goldfish is perfectly flushable. to defend a sick molly this strongly strikes me as quite odd. :crazy:
The 'act' was your post. I couldn't care less how you feel about the fish, that's your business and it's worthless getting worked up about :good: .

The stupid thing to do was to make a post saying how you felt, it could serve no purpose other than to aggravate others. And understandably so, this is the 'Tropical Fish Emergencies' board, where people come to try and save the life of a fish, in most cases they clearly feel differently from you.

It's like walking into a hospital and saying how you don't think sick people are worth treating. Most people here quite obviously feel different from you, why make such a post when it's sure to offend people? :unsure:.
I think three-fingers has summed that up nicely.

Its not a question of your ethics, I come from a farm upbringing where animals serve a purpose, but even so, a sick cat would be treated where possible, as would a dog/ horse - they are living creatues in our care ! The point is more - why come on here and post something like that ? Its bound to upset people and in some cases make them mad. Just stupid to post something as senseless as that, if you feel like that fine, but keep it to yourself.
I hate to say this, but there's a possibility you could've saved your fish. We don't always lose fish that get sick. We put them in a hospital tank, do our best to figure out what the problem might be and medicate them accordingly. If you ever need help diagnosing, which most of us do, post photos here and we'll do our best to figure out what your fish might need to survive. I'm sorry for your loss.

Posting pictures of your little aliens might be helpful, too.
This is correct, cus my gf's honey gourami started swimming weird and floating all around like the fish was going to die, we put the fish in a little space out the tank in water and still looked ill and looking like he was going to die this looked inevitable, however we added the fish back into the tank and the fish is alive to date happy as larry. The only thing that was wrong is that my gf has two male honeys which could've got aggressive, but he's survived
why make such a post when it's sure to offend people? :unsure:.

Some people just have to be in the limelight..... you know the old saying, no matter whether it's negative attention or positive attention, they're still getting attention..... this is really the equivalent of a troll. We don't need this here. Hopefully, they'll hit puberty soon and we can expect a reasonable level of maturity any time after that..... :good:
Can't we all just get along?

It was my beloved Molly that left to find a better place, I loved that Molly, I called him Golly. Although he never told me, I knew he loved me, I used to tickle his belly and hand feed him blood worms. If I could get a lead small enough I'd of taken him for a walk. I used to read him a bed time story, his favourites included Moby Dick and free willy and he hated Sushi.

The point is I had to kill my Molly because I didn't think there was anything else I could do. I didn't flush him away instead I put him in a bowl of boiling water and he died instantly I then put him in tissue paper and into the bin.

I personally value all forms of life, I wouldn't kill a fly, spider or any other creature if I could help it.

Also in response to Discus person who contributed further up the pages. Your not alone my friend Aliens do exist, there were 2 in my tank.

Regards PAt
Yep, I also made myself a cup of tea at the same time, raised my cup and toasted the good times we had together, RIP Golly, you were like a brother to me.
I'm glad worked well in this case, but for others looking into fish euthanasia, it is certainly not a recommended method. I've heard some real horror stories using this method :crazy:

There's a topic on safe methods here :good:.
I recommend the quickest and by far most reliable way - a hammer/brick to the head, destroying the brain.

I know it really doesn't sound pleasant, but IMO it's the only sure fire way outside acquiring chemicals from the vet.

It's debatable to whether any of the other methods really work :/.
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