I Executed My Molly

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Oh, and if you do find that you have to dispose of your fish, the safest way is to wrap it in some tissues and put it in your trash can. Doesn't feel like a happy ending, but it's a much better and ecology-friendly move than flushing them. You don't want to introduce a dead fish with disease to your water system. And you don't want the poor guy to get stuck in a pipe somewhere. :huh:

Germ, those are absolutely creepy creatures in your link..... ack! :sick:
B)-->QUOTE(Lynda B @ Jul 19 2007, 01:58 PM) [snapback]1697040[/snapback]
i would have flushed it myself. mollies are worthless and the pain of treating them or buying meds is far greater than simply getting a new one. they breed like rats too.

This is an absolutely heartless post. Your mother must be so proud...... :angry:
I agree!
I think you did the right thing though, by the sounds of it it probably owuldnt have recovered and you saved it a load of suffering.
What method did you use to execute it?
i would have flushed it myself. mollies are worthless and the pain of treating them or buying meds is far greater than simply getting a new one. they breed like rats too.

This is an absolutely heartless post. Your mother must be so proud...... :angry:

gimme a break. it's a ten cent fish. i could see if it was a picasso trigger or something, but come on.....why spend 10 times what it costs to get a new one on meds? i've even throw sick fish on the street so the crowes can get them, no waste. what else can you do? :rolleyes:
i would have flushed it myself. mollies are worthless and the pain of treating them or buying meds is far greater than simply getting a new one. they breed like rats too.

This is an absolutely heartless post. Your mother must be so proud...... :angry:

gimme a break. it's a ten cent fish. i could see if it was a picasso trigger or something, but come on.....why spend 10 times what it costs to get a new one on meds? i've even throw sick fish on the street so the crowes can get them, no waste. what else can you do? :rolleyes:


I actually agree with you Stan, although this will probably get some more nasty comments from other people. I mean c'mon be practical, if your fish is dieing, don't waste $20 in meds (that have a low chance of helping) on a $1 fish.

people these days :rolleyes:
i would have flushed it myself. mollies are worthless and the pain of treating them or buying meds is far greater than simply getting a new one. they breed like rats too.

This is an absolutely heartless post. Your mother must be so proud...... :angry:

gimme a break. it's a ten cent fish. i could see if it was a picasso trigger or something, but come on.....why spend 10 times what it costs to get a new one on meds? i've even throw sick fish on the street so the crowes can get them, no waste. what else can you do? :rolleyes:


I actually agree with you Stan, although this will probably get some more nasty comments from other people. I mean c'mon be practical, if your fish is dieing, don't waste $20 in meds (that have a low chance of helping) on a $1 fish.

people these days :rolleyes:

yeah, that's my point. it's not an expensive or rare fish. oh well. let the diarrhea spray on me begin! :hyper:
i would have flushed it myself. mollies are worthless and the pain of treating them or buying meds is far greater than simply getting a new one. they breed like rats too.

This is an absolutely heartless post. Your mother must be so proud...... :angry:

gimme a break. it's a ten cent fish. i could see if it was a picasso trigger or something, but come on.....why spend 10 times what it costs to get a new one on meds? i've even throw sick fish on the street so the crowes can get them, no waste. what else can you do? :rolleyes:


I actually agree with you Stan, although this will probably get some more nasty comments from other people. I mean c'mon be practical, if your fish is dieing, don't waste $20 in meds (that have a low chance of helping) on a $1 fish.

people these days :rolleyes:

yeah, that's my point. it's not an expensive or rare fish. oh well. let the diarrhea spray on me begin! :hyper:
No spraying necessary. Of course I disagree with you completely. I feel every life is as important as the next and I think a molly deserves the same treatment as a very expensive arrowana. I dont see how spending 20 dollars on medicine to try and save the life of your pet is a waste. I am not going to get nasty with anyone because you are entitled to your opinion, however, would it hurt to show a little compassion for living things?

You could look at saving this ten cent molly from the educational experience you would gain from treating it successfully. You spend $10 for some internal parasite or bacterial meds, cure the fish, and learn something. If your prized picasso trigger comes down with the same ailment, you will have a leg up on the behavior of a fish affected by that illness, some experience with the meds that need to be used, as well as some idea as to how the fish reacts to the meds, how it behaves when it is recovering, and the length of time this will take.

Quite some time ago I got some silver angels at an auction, $1 each. One of them got sick, I talked to the breeder I got them from, and he suggested a course of medication. The fish recovered, she ended up pairing with a male, the fish that pair produced paid for a good portion of my gear, as well as teaching me what to do & expect with any fish that show the same symptoms. Could I predict that a quarter size angel would grow to be an awesome breeder? No way, but that's how it works sometimes.

Education is rarely free, and some times quite expensive, but often the paybacks more than compensate for it.
I mean c'mon be practical, if your fish is dieing, don't waste $20 in meds (that have a low chance of helping) on a $1 fish.

Oh..... My...... God...... :angry:

I'm in animal rescue.... many times, I've adopted a dog for no cost.... does this mean I should just let it die when it gets sick? I shouldn't spend a few bucks at the vet to get it the meds it needs? WTF is wrong with you?!? Do you just consider every creature expendable? I guess you should consider yourself lucky your parents didn't have that attitude.....

I hope you never have children..... :grr:
I mean c'mon be practical, if your fish is dieing, don't waste $20 in meds (that have a low chance of helping) on a $1 fish.

Oh..... My...... God...... :angry:

I'm in animal rescue.... many times, I've adopted a dog for no cost.... does this mean I should just let it die when it gets sick? I shouldn't spend a few bucks at the vet to get it the meds it needs? WTF is wrong with you?!? Do you just consider every creature expendable? I guess you should consider yourself lucky your parents didn't have that attitude.....

I hope you never have children..... :grr:

Well sorry, that's the way I would feel if I bought a molly a week ago, and it got sick. I just don't feel that way about fish, compared to the way i feel about mammals, reptiles, and birds. Probably because fish don't have that whole companionship thing to go with them, I just wouldn't feel that way with a molly, but i probably would if it was a dog, or cat, or lizard, or parrot. Don't get me wrong I love my fish and do my very best to keep them in the best condition possible, but i do value certain lives over others. I value fish over mosquitoes. I value cats over fish. I value humans over cats. And I would certaintly not let the adopted dog die, because I simply value dogs much more over fish. There is something about fish that is much different from other animals, it gives you a different feeling about them, yes they are living things, and i take care of them as such. But they are different from other pets. I would certainly spend all kinds of money on my cat, who has been with me for the past 10 years, but I would not spend as much money on a fish.

Yes, i value some animals more than others, so don't tell me you care more about the recent bee die-off more than the millions of humans who die of disease every year. (or to use pets as an example instead of humans, we'll use the contaminated pet food that went around a couple months ago, we certainly saw more news on that, than we did about bees dieing)
I mean c'mon be practical, if your fish is dieing, don't waste $20 in meds (that have a low chance of helping) on a $1 fish.

Oh..... My...... God...... :angry:

I'm in animal rescue.... many times, I've adopted a dog for no cost.... does this mean I should just let it die when it gets sick? I shouldn't spend a few bucks at the vet to get it the meds it needs? WTF is wrong with you?!? Do you just consider every creature expendable? I guess you should consider yourself lucky your parents didn't have that attitude.....

I hope you never have children..... :grr:

Well sorry, that's the way I would feel if I bought a molly a week ago, and it got sick. I just don't feel that way about fish, compared to the way i feel about mammals, reptiles, and birds. Probably because fish don't have that whole companionship thing to go with them, I just wouldn't feel that way with a molly, but i probably would if it was a dog, or cat, or lizard, or parrot. Don't get me wrong I love my fish and do my very best to keep them in the best condition possible, but i do value certain lives over others. I value fish over mosquitoes. I value cats over fish. I value humans over cats. And I would certaintly not let the adopted dog die, because I simply value dogs much more over fish. There is something about fish that is much different from other animals, it gives you a different feeling about them, yes they are living things, and i take care of them as such. But they are different from other pets. I would certainly spend all kinds of money on my cat, who has been with me for the past 10 years, but I would not spend as much money on a fish.

Yes, i value some animals more than others, so don't tell me you care more about the recent bee die-off more than the millions of humans who die of disease every year. (or to use pets as an example instead of humans, we'll use the contaminated pet food that went around a couple months ago, we certainly saw more news on that, than we did about bees dieing)

good post. i bloody hate mollies anyway! :crazy:
Unbelievable!? :angry:
It's not a question of valuing one life over another, it's about taking responsibility and caring for something, whether it be a fish, dog, human etc.
Whether you paid a few cents for the Molly is irrelevant, it is entitled to have a chance at life the same as an expensive fish would.
Some people really shouldn't keep fish, animals etc! :rolleyes:
I agree with stang1, but I'm not going to argue against Captain Retardo or Stan Laurel's views on the life of a fish, mainly because I feel it's pointless.

It really doesn't matter how much you value the life of a fish, in general this is one of those things you don't share with people, especially not here.

The main issue here is why Stan Laurel made his post in the first place...it was a very insensitive and inappropriate thing to do.

I'm not sure of his intentions, nor am I sure why Captain Retardo felt he needed to come in and defend someone who has just committed such an act.
Yes, i value some animals more than others, so don't tell me you care more about the recent bee die-off more than the millions of humans who die of disease every year. (or to use pets as an example instead of humans, we'll use the contaminated pet food that went around a couple months ago, we certainly saw more news on that, than we did about bees dieing)
Quite a poor example to use considering LyndaB doesn't write the news.....
lol, "committed such an act"

hey folks, i'm not a bleeding heart. but, i have cats and love them dearly and when i see a sick or injured bird or dog (i hate dogs) cat or whatever it kills me. i do have limits though. do you all cry when someone reels in a walleye and slices it open and eats it too? i don't know what to say, but a molly or a guppy or a goldfish is perfectly flushable. to defend a sick molly this strongly strikes me as quite odd. :crazy:
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