I Don't Want Fry

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Apr 9, 2010
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I have a 17 gallon(64 litres) tank with one female platy, i recently bought;
1 male black molly,
1 female black molly,
1 male salifin black molly,
1 female platy

I read that mollies will certanly breed and give birth. I am worried because I do not want fry as it will require fish breeder traps and a bigger tank as my tank is small. How do I prevent mollies from breeding and what shall I do with my black female molly fry(that will be born) that already looks pregnant? I don't think my LFS will take them and I dont really have anyon to give it to.

im not sure how you could stop them breeding but you could put something in that would eat the fry? other than that replace the female molly with a male.
Contact a local club, someone will take them, a second idea is Craigs List.
A simple fix would be to put in a fish that would eat them and let nature take its course. You have plenty of room in a 17gal for another fish.
Well I wouldn't mind one or two surviving but I just dont want 30 to be born and overpopulate my tank. So when some are orn should I take some of the survivers into a another smaller fry tank?
You can stick them into another tank, But do you want to keep them? You could try and sell them on here, Or gumtree , ebay etc. You could feed them to a bigger fish or you could take them to your local LFS and see if they will take them off your hands some times you will get money for them or you will just get in store credit.
Well I wouldn't mind one or two surviving but I just dont want 30 to be born and overpopulate my tank. So when some are orn should I take some of the survivors into a another smaller fry tank?

why dont you get a small tank and grow them on a bit
tread them to your LFS for fish food or something like that
mind you if you dont take them out they wont last long
30 or not you should of got all female or all males
why dont you want them anyway
I know that my LFS doesnt take bought to them by customers. Can you actually make food out of fry?
My platys and mollies breed constantly! I have an angel in the tank, but it is also very densely planted out so most of the fry survive regardless! Luckily I can take mine to my lfs who pass them on to hospitals/schools/colleges etc they have a list of.
CORRECTION THIS IS ACTUALLY WHAT I HAVE didnt know the genders properly:
1 male slifin molly
2 FEMALE black mollies
1 male platy
1 female platy
and I woke up this morning and found my female mollies stomach had a less of a buldge by not much though. Also i found a few black molly fry! Some of them got sucked up by my powerful venturi filter and some got eaten by my much larger salifin molly! The 3 left are now hiding behind my filter thwy look healthy though. Should I just leave them and let nature take course or put them in a small fish bowl that has no filter?

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