I Don't Have A Betta!


Fish Crazy
Oct 21, 2007
Reaction score
i'm starting to wonder if there is something wrong with me! i don't have a Betta!!! am i the only person in the world who doesn't? do i need to see someone about this? will i be ok? please help!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :p
I had a betta, but found it boring, so I gave it to my friend. So no, you're not alone! :D
Your abnormal but thats not because you don't own a betta :p

I have owned about 5 bettas and all have died, one when I was about 10 years old, lived for a good year or two in a small container (not heated and way too small) but he had bubble nests and stuff and lived a long time for his living conditions. Then owned three within the past 4 years. One died of cancer (was my mums pride and joy, she was heart broken when he finally died) and he lived next too another who decided to made dash between the glass and the betta barrier, got beaten up and went back to his spot but died from his own stupidity and then after those two died we got another who died from fungal injuries which appeared for no reason, was in a cycled tank etc...still puzzled
And another died from old age

So...I don't own bettas anymore

Long post...sorry :D
No, you're definitely not abnormal. I went through a "betta lover" phase and now I am SO glad I never bred them or anything. To be totally honest, there are way better fish out there in this world which have 10x more personality than a betta could have. Right now, I only have 2 left of my original 5 and I am hoping to give one away and just keep one for myself.
lol i dont have a betta i dont like them and i dont find them intresting
Don't worry. Betta keepers usually have enough bettas to make up for everyone who doesn't lol. :p
Most Betta in the shops are crap, poor quality rubbish. IF you look at the wild specimens they are something special....not these long finned monstrosities
I've had bettas before and probably won't again, it was very tempting to setup my 5G for one again but I've found a much better use for it, raising african dwarf frog tadpoles. They are ok but as already said there are much more interesting fish out there, but that's just my opinion.

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