I DO BELIEVE...that there should be


Fish Crazy
Jun 4, 2004
Reaction score

I am really interested in seeing all your fish tanks! It would give me and everyody else inspiration and ideas on how to make their tank better, big or small.

So, here's the page, anyone want to start off.

This could be the ultimate topic for all fishkeepers
Tednol said:

I am really interested in seeing all your fish tanks! It would give me and everyody else inspiration and ideas on how to make their tank better, big or small.

So, here's the page, anyone want to start off.

This could be the ultimate topic for all fishkeepers
here are smoe pictures of my mates tank, what do you think?
lol @ the catfish
Tednol said:

I am really interested in seeing all your fish tanks! It would give me and everyody else inspiration and ideas on how to make their tank better, big or small.

So, here's the page, anyone want to start off.

This could be the ultimate topic for all fishkeepers
:D hey buddy cheak out members aquarium pics that will entertain you
judcoynehunter said:
Tednol said:

I am really interested in seeing all your fish tanks! It would give me and everyody else inspiration and ideas on how to make their tank better, big or small.

So, here's the page, anyone want to start off.

This could be the ultimate topic for all fishkeepers
:D hey buddy cheak out members aquarium pics that will entertain you
ok thn. thanks.
new to this...
sent you a personal message if you dont get it you can see the pics by clicing on the main menue (tropical fish forum0and then scroll down to members aquarium pics

or just clic on the search icon type in members aquarium fish and pictures
go to fast reply clic on it when the box comes up scroll down as far as it goes then in the drop down box (should say -tropical chit chat clic the downward arrow and select members aquarium fis and pictures and the clic go this should but you in the right area
I can't read a word of what you just typed, you should change the colot of your font. If you want to see fish pics just go the Aquarium Pictures section like judcoynehunter said.
diVer Posted on Jun 5 2004, 09:14 PM
I can't read a word of what you just typed, you should change the colot of your font. If you want to see fish pics just go the Aquarium Pictures section like judcoynehunter said.

I'd have to agree, the font and the color of the text combined made the post really hard to read. I had to copy it and paste it into Notepad to drop the formatting changes so I could read the entry. :)

In case you haven't found the Member Aquarium Pics section of the forum, I thought I'd offer you a link just to make it easier to get there. ;)

Forum - Member Aquarium Pictures
Avatar is also rather large, that font is making me throw up, no offence.
Avatar is also rather large, that font is making me throw up, no offence.

I was gonna say something, but figured I'd probably already be on most people's bad side for saying something about the font. :p The avatar is cool, but remember that some people are on dialup - the more stuff they have to load, and the bigger it is, the slower it will take. :(
Just wanted to add that many people, including me ;), have links to there tank pics in their signatures.

Consider it an invitation.


P.S. Sorry, have to agree on the font/colour front. It does not make for easy reading.
Tednol said:
ok then, is that better? [/COLOR]

ok then, is that better?

Proably, but it might not be easy on the eye for the people using the black skin. Why not just leave it at the default?

It's what's in your posts that matters, not what they look like! ;)

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