I Complained

is your toadstool you bought a yellow fiji leather? Its pretty common but no where near as hardy as the other leathers. Your description seems to fit to a yellow fiji leather, as well as the price. Stealhlr has one as well as me.

Does it look like this?


Medium-high light
Medium-high flow
Dont try to frag the coral
Nope, defo a toadstool :) I came in today to see it proper peeling. Its mucus is coming off it, whihc is a good sign right> Certain parts of it are looking alot better :good:
Got a new piece of LR and a rock with loadsa green mushrooms on it :) will post a pic 2moz when everythign is out
yellow fiji leather is a toadstool, but if its not the thing in the picture, its probably one of the easy ones to care for.

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