I can't help it !

When I went to public high school many moons ago, the boys had to wear ties. If you didnt have a tie on, you had to pay a dollar and they would loan you a tie for the day.
Thats insane... Oh wow, you forgot a tie... So horrible 😂
Do I get extra points for having the full set of Red Dwarf?
You Know the one with the Jafa...
What's better ? Star Trek or Star Wars ? I like them both but what I want to know is who's the bigger geek ? Data or C3PO ?
For me I like star wars a lot more... Mostly because Ive never been a real fan of most movies that involve earth and aliens but then again, I do like some movies such as SOME of the transformer movies... Star Trek just has always looked like a cheap version of trying to re-create starwars EVEN THOUGH it came out before starwars... There are some movies and shows of startrek that seem interesting but Id watch starwars over star trek any day
And just one more thing. An original series era Captain James T. Kirk could mop up the floor with Han Solo after he had wailed on Darth Vader ( with just a bit of help from Mr. Spock) . You ever see how he made the Gorn cry uncle ?

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