I can't go on like this anymore...

Salty, don’t do something totally selfish. Suicide is selfish. I told you I lost my Dad to it. Don’t do that to anyone. Please call a Crisis Hotline and get some support. We all want to help you but can’t be there. It us so frustrating for us all. We have to believe in you and trust that you will do the right thing. Come on girl, show us what you’ve got!
I don't really trust other people telling about my life, my neighbour who is living in a retirement home is such a tell tale and I'm afraid that she will tell my mom.
I'm not sure if I can get get a dorm or a cheap apartament as I'm only 15 and I've got just £21 :(
3 more years of suffering with my mother..
Please talk to the crisis helpline people. I’ve called them countless times they can help
Please talk to the crisis helpline people. I’ve called them countless times they can help
I think some hotlines even have a texting option if you feel like you would be more comfortable with that than phone call
I did register for an online counselling, but I was waiting and waiting and the counsellor did not come.
I did register for an online counselling, but I was waiting and waiting and the counsellor did not come.
I'm sorry. Is there a school counselor you could talk to?
do you have a friend whose family would let you move in with them
other option is to stay put and do your best to get along with your Mom
I did register for an online counselling, but I was waiting and waiting and the counsellor did not come.
dont give up... be patient.. wait until a counsellor answers online or call the hotline as they should answer more quickly
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You're too young to be killing yourself or even trying to. When you are old, sick, in constant pain, can't breath properly, struggle to move around and have buried all your friends and family, then kill yourself, but wait another 80 years before thinking about it.

Go to your doctor and ask them to refer you to a counsellor. Your mum doesn't have to know about any of this. Counsellors are discrete and deal with people on a daily basis. Find one you are comfortable talking to and spend some time chatting to them.
Most countries have free counselling services so you shouldn't have to pay.

If you don't want to talk to a counsellor, go visit a church and talk to someone there.

Life does get better and it's just a matter of holding on until you can get out of the place you are in. In the mean time, try to get out of the house more and go for a walk, sit at the park, visit friends or family. Pop into the library and read a book. Take up gardening or photography.

If worse comes to worst, go to the local Police station or Hospital and ask them for help. The cops don't do counselling but they do have numbers for help lines and can refer you to someone.

When covid19 settles down and society gets back to normal, things might settle down a bit and you could look for a part time job and save some money. Then in a couple of years time you can move out and get your own place or share a house with some friends. In the mean time, just hang in there and keep fighting the good fight. Life does get better and you are approaching a better time. :)
We've all had some seriously dark moments in our lives. Music and video games got me through a lot of tough times when I was younger. These were only distractions, but things will get better.

A lot of people care for you. Even people that never met you on a fish forum have reached out to share some personal stuff.

Focus on things that you can control, and not things that you can not. Those things are not your fault.

I wish you the best of luck and you can message any one of us on the side if you would not like to make it so private. If you need someone to talk to I got ya.

I know that Skillet song you spoke of and it's a great song.
Please don't take your life. I know how it feels to be in a really dark place but please don't hurt or kill yourself. You are a strong and wonderful person and I know you can get through this. If you ever need to talk feel free to private message me. I am so sorry you have to go through this but remember you are not alone. Everyone on this forum is here for you and we all want to help you. I will be praying for you.

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