I came home to a dead betta..

Get some sleep. With the salt you have done as much as you can for now.

Handy hint: You're burning your way through test strips. If you cut them in half lengthwise using clean dry scissors you will have twice as many :)
Get some sleep. With the salt you have done as much as you can for now.

Handy hint: You're burning your way through test strips. If you cut them in half lengthwise using clean dry scissors you will have twice as many :)

I have a full test kit on the way from amazon. Quite pricey but I got myself into this hole so lets dig deeper! Might have to get a mortgage out hahahah
No worries. When it arrives the ones you will be using are ammonia and nitrite. Nitrate will come down anyway with the water changes and the other stuff doesn't change :good: And in reality nitrite is the biggie in your case. Won't bore you with the science now but if you really want to know just ask.
You guys are freaking me out. Table salt with anti caking and iodine. Seriously? Why aren’t you using methylene blue?
You guys are freaking me out. Table salt with anti caking and iodine. Seriously? Why aren’t you using methylene blue?
Guys, that betta was in the tank one day. It more than likely died from acclimation and stress of moving. Ammonia or nitrite wouldn’t kill him that quickly. Where’s @Colin when I need him. No table salt or iodized salt!
I can’t listen to this. I hope you guys are right and I’m wrong. I’m praying that I’m wrong this time.
Guys, that betta was in the tank one day. It more than likely died from acclimation and stress of moving. Ammonia or nitrite wouldn’t kill him that quickly. Where’s @Colin when I need him. No table salt or iodized salt!

Literally about to put salt in, Should I hold off?

I did see a few other fish nipping at him so is it possible they killed him? He was perfect 7 hours previous.
Table salt is sodium chloride with additives like iodine, which should not be used in aquariums. Products sold as aquarium salt have sodium chloride plus some other minerals that are aquarium safe. If you want pure sodium chloride, try Kosher salt or canning salt but not curing salt. From Fishlore

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