I came home to a dead betta..

I agree with Seangee. Do you still have white spot though?
This is quite a thread, including some conflicting information.

First, nitrite at 5 ppm would mean all dead fish in minutes. So this cannot have been accurate. Nitrite is like ammonia also highly toxic to all life at very low levels. Fish readily absorb nitrIte from the water and it combines with the hemoglobin in their blood, forming methaemoglobin. As a consequence, the blood cannot transport oxygen as easily and this can become fatal. At 0.25 ppm nitrite begins to affect fish after a short period; at 0.5 ppm it becomes dangerous; and at 1.0 ppm it is often fatal. Had it been at these levels (1 ppm which is far below 5 ppm) the fish would all have been at the surface, gasping air, with extended gill operculum and very red gills.

Second, salt is helpful with nitrite, but never use anything but aquarium salt or sea salt. Not table salt because of likely additives. Sea salt means the pure sea salt often sold for cooking, not "marine" salt which has other minerals too.

Third, the Betta died likely from being attacked. Betta are not community fish. Neon tetras are known to enjoy nipping the fins of a Betta, and adding the Betta with the neons established only increased the likelihood of this occurring. The platies might also engage in this. The blue rams not so likely as they are in the lower level and the Betta above, and rams being similarly sedate fish usually do not go after other fish like this, except when it is a spawning/territorial issue.

Fourth, the rams and neon tetras shouldnot be together because they have very different requirements for temperature. Rams must have warmth at 80F (27C) minimum, neons should not be above 75-76F (24C).

Fifth, the water is apparently soft so the platies will not be in very good health and succumb to other issues before long.
Thanks, Byron for your feedback. I was totally freaking at the treatment being suggested. I tried just closing out but felt so bad for the member and fish. Next time, I will attempt to call in more reinforcements and go get some fresh air. Panic doesn’t sit well with me. :)

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