I Bought Some Julii Cories Today :)


Fish Fanatic
Jul 28, 2009
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I would post pictures but my boyfriend has hijacked my camera for the week :( I'll steal my sister's if I can find it :)

I'm not 100% sure but I think that I actually do have julii's!

Does anyone have any tips on identifying them for certain? :)

Oh, and one of them has a dorsal fin that's split down the middle :( is there anything that I can do to help this heal? Or will it always be like it is now?
I would post pictures but my boyfriend has hijacked my camera for the week :( I'll steal my sister's if I can find it :)

I'm not 100% sure but I think that I actually do have julii's!

Does anyone have any tips on identifying them for certain? :)
when the pictures are up we will be able to tell, unless you payed loads for them they will be corydoras trillineatus



It was the spotty faces that made me believe they were juliis but I'm prepared, come on, crush me, tell me I'm wrong :-(

Either way, they're mighty cute little fish :)
Hmm. Hard to say from those pics. The difference is that the head should have definite individual spots on a true Julii whereas on the Trilleanatus the spots merge more in to lines. Can you get us a clear close up pic of the face and head at all please?

Don't worry about the fin as it should heal itself within a few days.
I will try :) but they're very active! I thought I was lucky to get one still on the log for so long :p

Thank you for the re-assurance about his/her fin :)

thank you :) I have been trying to get better pictures of their faces but whenever they do actually stay still it's either behind a plant or right in front of the glass where a patch of algae is! -_-
Oooh, I got some today too along with a female Crowntail Betta. Nice fish by the way :)
Thank you :)

What makes you think they are trillineatus over julii? Just so if I see any in the future I know everything to look out for :)
Here's a pic of my false julii,C. Trillineatus
Sold had C.Julii at £5 each

Does yours look like these?

C.Julii are difficult to get hold of and from what i can gather are mostly spots,with no lines on them :)

I love mine and so far they have given me 10 babies :wub:

I see now, thank you :)

I thought they were a little more spotty than stripey but now seeing the true corydora julii I can see how spotty they would be if they were really the julii rather than the trilineatus :)

I've posted in the tropical emergencies section because one of my cories has fallen ill :( so if anybody thinks they could help please read :)

Here's the link - Please help
Hmmm, we had Julii's in my LFS today, but not being a cory expert I didn't think anything of it, I'll have to nip in again tomorrow and check if they're real of fake.


The images are not the best to determine the true identity of the fish, but they look like they only have 3 or 4 bars in the caudal fin and with the spotting on the head being pretty well defined they could be C120's


image courtesy Ian Fuller & Corydorasworld.com

The C. julii vs C. trilineatus argument will go on forever, but for anyone to give a positive id based on the colour pattern is a little foolhardy, both species can be virtually identical such is the variability in any given population. If the fish has been exported from Peru then it is almost certainly C. trilineatus, If on the other hand they were exported out of Belem, Eastern Brazil then they are probably C. julii, which for the record when the season is right they are caught in there thousands.


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