PheonixKingZ Fish Guru Tank of the Month 🏆 Pet of the Month 🎖️ Fish of the Month 🌟 Joined May 8, 2019 Messages 17,727 Reaction score 11,883 Location Lawrenceburg, KY May 7, 2020 #31 I sure hope he’s not dead. It looks like you are doing everything you can for him! Good job @TheTenthDoctor!
I sure hope he’s not dead. It looks like you are doing everything you can for him! Good job @TheTenthDoctor!
JuiceBox52 Artist, rare disease advocate, fish nerd, author Tank of the Month 🏆 Pet of the Month 🎖️ Joined Oct 9, 2019 Messages 11,766 Reaction score 14,284 Location PNW May 7, 2020 #32 Oh no! I hope he makes it
OP OP TheTenthDoctor Fish Herder Joined May 3, 2019 Messages 1,155 Reaction score 1,244 Location Pennsylvania backwoods May 7, 2020 #33 Update everyone he’s not doing well but still alive will keep you posted
Retired Viking Fish Connoisseur Joined Nov 22, 2019 Messages 6,296 Reaction score 6,841 Location north woods May 7, 2020 #34 Sorry to hear that, hope he makes it. You hang in there too.
OP OP TheTenthDoctor Fish Herder Joined May 3, 2019 Messages 1,155 Reaction score 1,244 Location Pennsylvania backwoods May 9, 2020 #35 He’s dead
Retired Viking Fish Connoisseur Joined Nov 22, 2019 Messages 6,296 Reaction score 6,841 Location north woods May 9, 2020 #36 Sorry about your fish, How are you doing?
FishGuest5123 Fish Maniac Tank of the Month 🏆 Joined Oct 29, 2018 Messages 9,505 Reaction score 6,183 Location USA May 9, 2020 #37 How’s he doing?
JuiceBox52 Artist, rare disease advocate, fish nerd, author Tank of the Month 🏆 Pet of the Month 🎖️ Joined Oct 9, 2019 Messages 11,766 Reaction score 14,284 Location PNW May 9, 2020 #38 I'm sorry he died. You tried your best, he was probably too far gone when you found him. At least his last couple days were spent in betta paradise
I'm sorry he died. You tried your best, he was probably too far gone when you found him. At least his last couple days were spent in betta paradise
OP OP TheTenthDoctor Fish Herder Joined May 3, 2019 Messages 1,155 Reaction score 1,244 Location Pennsylvania backwoods May 19, 2020 #39 Well it looks like I'm going to get yet another betta! Stay tuned. Hopefully I will be able to save the next one!
Well it looks like I'm going to get yet another betta! Stay tuned. Hopefully I will be able to save the next one!