I bought another sick betta

I like rescuing bettas from chain pet stores as well, although I know that I am supporting them and producing more demand for more bettas. I'm torn everytime, buy it and give them reason to bring more in or leave it to die.

He looks good, I love his colors!
I think I should move to US and keep rescuing them :|
My new goal is to have over 200-9999388299282829828291991 tanks and about 20-40 houses to fill in with this many tanks :)
And about 20-40 employees to maintain them?
That would be a cute name
He’s already so beautiful! I’m glad you were able to take him in :)

ive only ever seen one other betta with colors like those, my betta Goose. Your little guy is gorgeous!
Naw he looks alot happier in his big tank there. Poor little guy. It always amazes me that pet shops are allowed to keep these little guys in a tiny cube container without anything. I always get saddened when I look at them.
Naw he looks alot happier in his big tank there. Poor little guy. It always amazes me that pet shops are allowed to keep these little guys in a tiny cube container without anything. I always get saddened when I look at them.
Totally. It shouldn't be legal. But I guess they have more customers than complainers so they can just keep doing it
Totally. It shouldn't be legal. But I guess they have more customers than complainers so they can just keep doing it

it’s bad enough the quality of most pet shop tanks but seeing that is just plain cruel! Totally agree should be illegal!!! But in saying that as we all knowmost pet shops don’t know how to properly care for most fish

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