I am leaving

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Fish Crazy
Apr 12, 2004
Reaction score
Macclesfield (Cheshire, England)
I am leaving this forum as I do not find it is at all a nice place. I raised a point because I was responsibly researching oscars before I bought them. I was absolutely appalled at some of the abusive responses in the thread and disgusted at the response of the moderator involved - I was condemned, but the children being abusive and swearing at people were allowed to carry on (and yes at 13 you are still a child - you know who you are...).

I shall not be visiting this forum again and have told all of the moderators and administrators why - that is that some people here are rude, abusive and agressive.

It was nice to meet all the people who are nice - some of you are a lovely bunch!


Sorry to see you go Leanne :byebye: I must've missed this post. I wish you'd visit the betta section. We're very friendly! Ahh but I see you do not keep Bettas. Maybe you should start!? :nod:

Here I am trying to convert you. But really, I am sad that you are leaving. :(
Hi leanne, I have not (as of) yet recieved any news from you, but I did recieve a forward of your concern from one of the moderators .

Lately there have - as some members no doubt have noticed - been small localised problems with the friendliness of the forum in some sections. I'll copy part of the PM I sent to you as it applies to everyone on the forum, please contact me via PM if you have any problems, we want to be your friends and want to sort out the problems, please give us a chance. IF not then best of luck for the future.

"Problems with the forum and people being upset is something I take very seriously here. I appreciate you say you may leave, and if you do there is obviously nothing I can do to stop you and I wish you all the best for the future.

Are other member's causing trouble - recently with the summer holidays there tends to be an influx of younger members the vast majority of whom are great and it is unfair to tarnish them however admitedly some are trouble makers. If other members are causing trouble please let me or the mods know ASAP and we will try to sort something out.

What would you like to be seen done to tackle any or all the problems which you have encountered in your time at TFF as of course we always want to make it a better place for everyone

Many thanks and hope to hear from you soon,
Best wishes,
William "
shame youre leaving over that silly oscar post. that thread does not reflect on the average users here.
sorry to see you go.
Sorry to hear of your departure leanne, I have enjoyed your marine tank log quite a lot, it will be missed!
I don't see why younger members are being bashed here, I thought it was quite rude of you to bash silva fishy and bean, sure they aren't overly constructive but I cannot understand how you took offence to something like that, they were not harrasing you or impedeing your learning seems you just read the thread and dismissed them as young idiots, and now youv'e decided that your better than them and are leaveing tff cause of this,
Like MAM said shame on you,
You are a valued member still, and the forum will be lacking without you, although I think it would also lack without some younger folk like myself
EDIT_. just went ove that again and i see bean and his friend being very positive throughout the entire thing until you made your post, other people had criticized them already being much more negative or "childish" then them, only after your post did their posts become negative, you attacked them first at that was "childish", good of you to be "adult"enough to leave if you can't stand us here.
sorry to hear your leaving, but maybe if you try stick around, you'll be able to help the mods fix the problem so it dosn't happen again?
i dont like kids, i will never have any of my own becuase i cant stand them. i was never a kid, when i was born i was 22.
wow-i just read that whole post. leanne i thikn you have a right as a responsible adult to tell 12 year olds how they should be acting. sadly parents cannot monitor everyhting their child puts on the internet so the kids feel they can be rude and obnoxious without consequence. i dont think she was bashing all younger members-its really not about age. there are some young members here who are great and often more informed and...polite than some older members. its about how you act and those 2 werent acting any older than 3. maybe that wasnt normal and they are usually better behaved. i dont know-but the kind of behavior in that post by those two should be unacceptable.
is that perhaps why one of them changed their user name?

sorry to see something like that drive you away leanne. :byebye:
I know its not the same thing, but another site that I play on (not a fish forum... a games/chat kinda thing) that has a variety of young and older users, wrote a code that doesn't allow swear words come out. On one site, no matter what word you type, it comes out as bobba, and another site will not let you post a message with cursive text. I know that wouldnt solve the abuse problem ( i too have had coments about being dumb or stupid for not knowing something), but it would eliminate the bad language.

Just a thought
i read the post that you are arguing about. i find it quite idiotic that you bash on kids for that, and then just up and leave for it. i'm thinking maybe you should leave.....seems it would be for the better...especially after i read what you said on that other post.

before anyone yells at me for this, i advice reading that post....
she is towards the bottom.
No matter what happens, there is a computer world and a real world. If you let them overlap too much, you will get unnecessarily upset. This is oversimplifying, but I would recommend you keep them seperate. After reviewing the thread, I agree. The adult was not the bigger person.

Don't bash the kids, I'm twelve and I'm not rude to anyone. Bye

EDIT: I just read through that thread and, I feel very offended. Don't generalize all kids as bad, if they are, then I'm a rare and unique specimen, and should be experimented on. Being that some of us on the forum are younger may mean we have less knowledge about something, but shouldn't get beat up for it. You can't just generalize every group of people and leave it at that. :angry:
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