I Am An Idiot.


Fish Crazy
Jul 31, 2008
Reaction score
Hertfordshire, UK
Hi all,

Not been around the last couple of days as I've been having an issue with my tank :sad:

About ten days ago I added a Long nose butterfly fish, who immediately ate all my feather dusters :rolleyes: but I was happy as he was feeding. My YT gave him a "warm" welcome, but soon left him alone. The butterfly seemed to be happy and was constantly foraging around the tank, eating worms/pods from the LR.

A few days after adding him I cleaned the back wall of my tank, and noticed he had some spots on him, so began to panic and researched WS. I read so much conflicting information I didn't know what to do. I read that Butterflys are prone to Lymphocystis and that it would go away on it's own.

None of my other fish exhibited any spots/WS symptoms so I fed well and tried to reduce the stress by keeping my hands out of the tank and covering the tank of an evening (so as not to disturb them with the TV)

I put a post on another forum with a health section and immediately was told it was WS, and to set up a hospital tank. I wasn't convinced as the fish had no symptoms barring the spots.

This morning at 6am the fish was found dead :sad: :sad:

I then had a response saying that it looked like Velvet!!

My mum went out and took the fish to the LFS who gave her some Esha Oodinex to treat the tank with, which I won't do as I fear nuking my whole tank.

I've come home tonight and found that my YT has some spots, but still the first to any food and active with no symptoms of illness.

I don't know what to do for the best. I am an idiot for not having a QT procedure with fish, especially tangs and butterflies.

At this point I'm expecting a wipeout and having to fallow my tank for 3 months.

Sorry for the long post, just needed to vent.

Simon :-(
My Emerald catfish have the same thing and have had it for about a month or two. I am keeping the sickness at bay using paraguard. The catfish are slowly recovering and it doesn't look like it hurt them. the way to know if its lympchostis is it is like a mole an the fish, not just a spot.
Oh Stampos Im so sorry to hear that! I have no advice as not been through it myself but really hope everything turns out okay :(
Sorry for your loss mate. I've never quarenteened - it's a risk but I've not had any issues. Perhaps post some photo's? Are the spots White and raised from it's body? If you think it's White spot or a possibility then fresh water dip him for 5mins and see if it helps.

You done the best you could to save it, and reduce stress. It's not your fault.
This is how the LNB looked at his worst:




And my YT:


I'm already getting grief at the prospect of stripping the tank and setting up a hospital tank, could really do without all this! :-(

Thanks guys,

Sorry for your loss. If it's any concilation I only have 3 fish so far 2 clowns with suspected brookynela and a kole tang that has White spot. In some ways i'm pissed off, but as a result of having these problems early I now have 2 hospital/QT tanks setup and nothing is ever going in my Display without spending 2 months in them. 1 is for fish/copper and the other is going to house corals and invertabrates. I know a lot of people don't bother with QT but i guess some people are just born lucky. I ain't one of those people.
At the moment, and as the fish in the display are feeding well/showing no illness (other than the external spots) I think I'm going to leave them in the display and feed well, whilst maintaining water quality.

I just think without a definitive confirmation on the illness it would be wrong to pull them out and FW dip them etc.

Sorry to hear you are having problems too mate.
the same with my corys. they eat well and hardly notice they are sick. I wouldn't worry about the rest of your fish. I theink the reason the first one died was that the lympchostimus virus may be non-fatal but it can weaken the immune system and make it easier for other diseases to take the fish's life.
Oh man. I'm sorry Stampos. We're not having much luck in this section this week are we? I really hope the rest of your fish pull through ok. :flowers:

Gosh, really will be doing quarantine in my system. I'm totally convinced now, especialy with all that's been going on.

I lost my royal gramma to the same thing mate. Was eating fine and then one morning DEAD and he was covered in what looked like White spot.
I don't do qt tanks and if a fish is infected I simply remove them and do a fresh water dip. I never dose my tank with all these so called miracle cures that simply dont work.

Sorry to hear of your loss tho none the less. Lovely looking fish!
Oh man. I'm sorry Stampos. We're not having much luck in this section this week are we? I really hope the rest of your fish pull through ok. :flowers: Gosh, really will be doing quarantine in my system. I'm totally convinced now, especialy with all that's been going on. Liz

Thanks Liz :)

Without wanting to jinx it, I think I may be over the worst.........YT has no spots and all other fish acting/eating normally :good:

Sorry to hear what has been going on

Thanks Seffie :)

Been a torrid week for us salties, eh!

I lost my royal gramma to the same thing mate. Was eating fine and then one morning DEAD and he was covered in what looked like White spot. I don't do qt tanks and if a fish is infected I simply remove them and do a fresh water dip. I never dose my tank with all these so called miracle cures that simply dont work. Sorry to hear of your loss tho none the less. Lovely looking fish!

I thought the butterfly was eating as he was constantly grazing the rocks, and I have quite a few pods that I dose, plus my refugium. I added some live bloodworm to see if he'd take it, and he did.

I think it was a combination of him not eating amazingly well, and the YT being a bit of a git :lol: (I know I shouldn't find it funny, but he is a proper bossy little sod) that led to his demise :(

As I said above I think/hope I may have been lucky to an extent, I'm keeping a VERY watchful eye over the fish and will probably stay paranoid for the next month or so.

Thanks for the support guys :)

Most likely Oodinium (Amyloodiunium ocellatum) than Marine Ich (Crytocaryon irratans) tbh.

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