I Almost Grew Two Feet

No, I hadn't changed the bulbs yet at that point, I'll get a new FTS as soon as everything is fully open today.
No, I hadn't changed the bulbs yet at that point, I'll get a new FTS as soon as everything is fully open today.

I can only imagine, because the reds already look really nice in your fts and this is with the old combination of bulbs. :good:
Welcome back steph. A shame about the wrasse(or is it wrasse's? Lol) Looking forward to seeing new pics.
Also excited to see some new pics. I have read pretty much your entire journal a couple times =)

Camera wasn't working yesterday, but I managed to get it somehow going today. Looking at the tank now to how it was, it seems so much emptier to me now haha, that'll have to change...

Newest Coral I traded in some frags for

BTA has gotten Huuuuuuuuge! About 12" (30cm) in diameter now!!! The clowns love it though

Yellow Fish!

Annnnd the FTS..
That tank looks great and that BTA is huggee. Whats the new coral? A hammer? That is stunning too.
Wow, the colors are even better. I do like this bulb combination. Glad to see the montipora. I've always liked those.

In that little cave on the left, the small orange patch, Dendros or Tubastraea?
Thanks guys,

Yep that's a hammer Greyscale. I already have the pink one, but I saw this neon green one and couldn't resist.

lljdma: That's a dendro over there, not fully open at the time unfortunately. I do have two tubastreas although neither are visible in the picture. One is a black one under the monti and the other is orange hiding behind the brain
Thanks guys,

Yep that's a hammer Greyscale. I already have the pink one, but I saw this neon green one and couldn't resist.

lljdma: That's a dendro over there, not fully open at the time unfortunately. I do have two tubastreas although neither are visible in the picture. One is a black one under the monti and the other is orange hiding behind the brain

Yeah, you got way better lighting than I do. I have very bad LEDs, means I can keep my suns in the open. :D But I designed my pico that way. Haha, my refugium has better light than my tank.

That's a nice hammer too and I'm not usually a fan of Euphylia (sp) species.
The hammer is indeed nice. Euphyllia(sp) are what really caught my attention and made me want to do sw.

Goodness, can't... Stop... Looking... That tank is amazing and I could only hope to have something half as good looking haha.
Steph, your tank as always wants me to rip mine apart and change it... mostly lately im wishing i had either less rock, or stacked differently to allow for more open sand space... dont get me wrong i do think my tank looks good.. i just always think it could look better.. and yours looks awesome. hahaha.

Great to have you back :)

*Edit* - Next weekend I will be ripping mine apart to re-scape it hahaha

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