you have it wrong. the 10x rule is on paper, so generally you will be getting 5x turnover or there abouts which is usually ok.
most filters actually kick out about 60% (on average) of their stated amounts. i know the eheim pro3 2080 actually kicks out 71% which is pretty good.
manurfacturers test their filters with no media and on a level with the tank. whereas when we the customers use them, they are full of media and often below the tank but at least 50cm, often more.
so a 1200 will be fine on your tank. or a filter with a flowrate of 1200LPH. 10x is a target and is best for most midsize tanks.
the tetra 1200 gets nowhere near 1200 lph. as i stated 600 at best. and exactly have i got wrong? or do you mean all the high flow planted tank members?
eheim do not test their filters empty, nor do they use it at tank level. they test with a full set of Eheim recommended media and filter pads. they also use 1m of piping and the furniture like crooks and inlets. you can ask them if you like, i did. its one of the reasons eheim seem to need lower flow rates than others do. because they list pump power, and filter flow rate. flow rate being the one they use for tank capacity.