Hydor External Heater

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I was planning to buy some things from Living Seas as their prices are very competitive. I am now not going to bother.

As you say, Elaine, McG is experiencing the same problems with the same company, and thats not coincidence. Royal Mail aren't great, but they aren't that bad.

I suspect Living Seas maybe isn't the company it used to be, and personally, I'm not willing to find out the hard way.

Good luck to everyone having problems with them. :good:
Hiyah Elaine - how I wish I'd saw your post before I'd ordered in saying that it didn't even occur to me that Fishbitz and Living Seas were one and the same - just makes it feel like they're extracting the urine even further. I noticed after that AO do actually stock them and saw the Aquacadabra were about the same price but like yourself Elaine, I'm strapped until I get the refund and it's only going to trusted sources in future.

Luckily I've managed to cannibalise some off my other tanks and just about getting by but it's not the point. and as we all know its BALTIC at the moment

Man I hate being ripped off and hate feeling like I'm turning into an "angry man".

Good luck getting your refund from them, as said it took two months for their partner company to refund an earlier purchase of Hi Lites for a trigon 190 - on the phone yesterday the guy started splaffing about batch faults with the hi lites - now this might be true, but funny how other transactions with REPUTABLE companies can manage to get the refund turned around in a matter of a couple of days and that AO managed to get the lights to me within 4 days and no mention of coloured stickers or any other fairytales for that matter!

Sorry my jelly brain can't remember who had the issues with the jewellery (Miss Wiggle?) That’s brutal hope you've got it sorted now.
well ther supposed to refund the money by the weekend,but we will wait and see,i`v always ordered from ao and never had a problem,i`m more annoyed at waiting in nearly every day for over 2 weeks for post that never came,and it wouldn`t matter if the (lost item)was £5 or £55, its the principle,but when i actually got through to them on the phone they didn`t seem to care,that annoyed me as well,

cant you see your bad words are putting other people off buying from them

they are a good shop i think they have better things to do than rip you off for £30

you will get your money back if you needed a heater that bad why haven't you gone out and got one rather than sit in front of you PC wining on about it

i know for sure if i needed a heater that bad i would have got one ASAP

Whilst I understand that you may have shopped with this company before and had a good experience, I have heard several bad reports, all claiming the same problems of non-delivery or late delivery, and problems with obtaining refunds.

I don't think anyone is intending to slag off the shop as such, but instead sharing their experiences, which have unfortunately been bad.

I personally am grateful that people are willing to share this information on the forum, as I was intending to spend quite a lot of money buying equipment from them, and because of the bad experiences others have had in the present or recent past, I am now going to save myself the potential hassle and shop somewhere else.

If one person had reported a bad experience and started slagging off the shop unnecessarily, i would agree with you, but there are several people all reporting having the same problem. That doesn't indicate to me a shop i'd like to give my business to.

I hope the shop sorts out their customer satisfaction problems soon, because their prices are almost second to none.

Cheers :good:

Sorry if this is keeping it going as think backtotropical did a good answer, but

the reason i haven't gone out and got a new heater is because the shop still has my money. Doesn't matter if it was 3, 30, 300 quid when you've got none it's all too much so that's why I haven't got one. Would be very nice to go and buy whatever whenever. As it happens I had to borrow the dough from my mum and use her credit card which make this whole thing even more frustrating as if it were my card I would have been onto the credit card people and had them deal with it, so now I have to tell her again that another company has done the same. But it's not another company- it's the same company

Also in my post I asked whether anyone had similar experiences thus trying to ascertain if this was simply a blip on their part

The reason I originally posted was to try and relieve the feeling of helpless frustration, and make my own point to the company that their actions aren't just in a cyber world and there are consequences.

But not too happy about the whining labels - my apologies but this is a three page thread and if you didn't like what you read you should have read another and you never know might mean the shop gets it's act together and stops anyone else taking time off work to sit and wait for the holy grail of a parcel.


cant you see your bad words are putting other people off buying from them

they are a good shop i think they have better things to do than rip you off for £30

you will get your money back if you needed a heater that bad why haven't you gone out and got one rather than sit in front of you PC wining on about it

i know for sure if i needed a heater that bad i would have got one ASAP
i`m really sorry that by telling the truth and sharing my experience has upset you,as it happens i do have other heaters but what the hell has that got to do with it,as i stated in a previous post it doesn`t matter whether its £5 £50 or £500,
its the principle that counts

cant you see your bad words are putting other people off buying from them

they are a good shop i think they have better things to do than rip you off for £30

you will get your money back if you needed a heater that bad why haven't you gone out and got one rather than sit in front of you PC wining on about it

i know for sure if i needed a heater that bad i would have got one ASAP
i`m really sorry that by telling the truth and sharing my experience has upset you,as it happens i do have other heaters but what the hell has that got to do with it,as i stated in a previous post it doesn`t matter whether its £5 £50 or £500,
its the principle that counts

Wouldnt be involved with this firm perchance ? the reputation of ANY company is only as good as its last bad deal... now of course, we only have one side of this story, and it would be nice to hear the other - but going soley on whats been said, I would not shop there...
Would you care to defend your position ?

cant you see your bad words are putting other people off buying from them

they are a good shop i think they have better things to do than rip you off for £30

you will get your money back if you needed a heater that bad why haven't you gone out and got one rather than sit in front of you PC wining on about it

i know for sure if i needed a heater that bad i would have got one ASAP

it's all experiences T1KARMANN, no business is perfect, they all make mistakes or have problems from time to time. i always feel that one of the best ways you can objectively judge the quality of a business is how they respond to problems and fix them. On a number of occasions I've had problems with a firm and their response has been excellent and it's actually encouraged me to use them again because I know if anything goes wrong I can get it sorted.

In this experience their customer service relating to an issue has obviously been poor, no one has slagged them off, they're just stating one experience. Anyone who reads this and judges the whole shop by this one experience is obviously a sandwich short of a picnic, if they've got half a brain in their head they'll go away and do a google search and undoubtedly find many more reports of both good and bad experiences and make an objective decision based on that.

Elaine is by no means telling everyone to never shop there again, she's just telling people that this is what she happened when she shopped there.

If you've had a good experience with the firm then by all means contribute it to the discussion then anyone reading it can make a more objective decision about the firm. But shouting and insulting people on this thread is hardly going to help the shops reputation or help anyone else consuidering using this firm to come to a reasonable conclusion regarding their capabilities.
Just because the thread is about heaters, there is no need for it to get heated.

Keep it tidy.
thankyou miss wiggle and rooster,i have to say tikarmann`s post has upset me,no way when i started this post did i think it would turn like this,i thought by now i would be posting saying how good the heater is,i`m not the only one who`s having trouble with this firm,there`s a post on tropical discussion about someone who`s also waited 3 weeks and still waiting for a refund,i was told my refund would be refunded by the weekend ,well it hasn`t happened yet,
if you buy from a shop like aquatics on line and have good service then you say so(which i have done many a time)if you buy from a shop and have a bad service then you should be allowed to say so as well,isn`t that what word of mouth is about,
That's the first time I've managed to smile about this this week, get the message Lateral Line thanks,

and couldn't agree more with what Miss Wiggle said about mistakes about reputations.

Bey hey it's Friday and no going to get so wound up any more doesn't do anyone any good and thanks for advice.

Happy Halloween

P.s. sorry feels like i'm gatecrashing your thread Elaine
so if you needed a heater that bad you would rather put your fish lives at risk just for the price of £30

if i needed a heater that bad i would go out and get one ASAP rather than wait a week with cold water :unsure:

maybe thats just me and my fish come 1st
so if you needed a heater that bad you would rather put your fish lives at risk just for the price of £30

if i needed a heater that bad i would go out and get one ASAP rather than wait a week with cold water :unsure:

maybe thats just me and my fish come 1st
you obviously dont read the posts correctly,as it clearly states i do have other heaters,if your only posting on here to cause an argument then i`m sorry but your wasting your time,

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