
By the way Bryan is a member of TFF. Also, at least one other business associate of his that I know of monitors it.

Many fish suppliers and suppliers of other fish products monitor various fish forums. They are fish professionals after all. If I read about myself what I read on Betty Splendens, I'd be angry and weird. I would get very defensive.

Most tell me that they don't get involved in the forum chats, because of the poor manners and flaming.

I have seen him post in the Catfish-Coradoras forum and once in the Betta forum.

Well, sorry mod, I am continuing to be totally off subject of this thread and seem to have unintentionally hijacked it :*)

Bryan is bit more than an aquaintance of mine. I have recommended TFF to him and supplied the link to other friends and associates of his.
From the linked thread...
...but he had taken a long time to ship the fish and only shipped M, T, W and only so many a week.

Well.... yeah. If you're shipping USPS that's the safest way to go, otherwise you chance the fish getting stuck somewhere over the weekend. I only ship MTW too :rolleyes:
That's my understanding of how it's done. Even, if it's UPS or FEDEX (& probably DHLH or whatever) they don't deliver Sat or Sun. A delay can mean disaster. I asked for a Thursday shipping when I first started recieving shipped fish and was flatly refused with that explanation. A breeder supplier of Synos in Hawaii just recently misunderstood my request for a Thursday delivery, thinking I asked for a Thursday shipping, and flatly refused. He also only ships UPS overnight. I respect that. (I am getting my baby 3/4" dwarf Syno petricolas this Thursday! :D )

A private PM in this case might have been more appropriate. But I'm glad we got to discuss the matter in GuppyDude's thread. :rolleyes:
Oh yes, bettas can hybridize! :nod:
ALL bettas belong to the same family... in fact, they belong to the same Genus -- Betta.
Bettas come in two breeding styles, mouthbrooder and bubblenester, and there are several groups within these two divisions:
Bubblenester -- Splendens, Bellica, and Coccina groups
Mouthbrooders -- Picta, Pugnax, Waseri, Akarensis, Foerschi, Albimarginata, and Patoti groups

Any bettas within the same group can hybridize with one-another, meaning splendens can easily crossbreed with imbellis, smaragdina, and rubra, for instance. Outside of that, hybridization can occur, but it's more iffy. You'd have more luck breeding moutbrooder to mouthbrooder and bubblenester to bubblenester, but I don't doubt it is probably possible in some cases to breed mouthbrooders to bubblenesters and vice versa. The less closely related the species, however, the harder it'd be to get viable hybrid offspring.
Betta Rubra are mouth breeders not bubble nest builders.

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