Warning - Mad Cory Woman
Hey Nick, all is well. I've downsized my Rio 240 to a brand new Vision 180 purely because I moved house and the new house couldn't accommodate a 4ft tank. I lost both my angelfish to hexamita so I gave up on angels and got myself two new laetacara curviceps. Jury is still out on their sex and this new pair are very different in colour to my old pair - still cute though 
My lfs re-homed my purple emperor tetra's due to the tank size reduction and I replaced them with some cardinal tetra's ... considering upping their numbers though as I'm not seeing the shoaling behaviour I was hoping for
Still got all my cories though .... too many cories!
My lfs re-homed my purple emperor tetra's due to the tank size reduction and I replaced them with some cardinal tetra's ... considering upping their numbers though as I'm not seeing the shoaling behaviour I was hoping for
Still got all my cories though .... too many cories!