Hungry Plec?


New Member
Oct 20, 2007
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I have a plec in with my breeding kribensis. Is he going to eat the eggs each time theyre produced? I am unsure whether they have produced any yet as it is difficult to see in the caves, they are displaying bredding behaviour tho. I just worry that they are going to breed only to have there eggs eaten. or do i have a chance of getting some baby kribs. I have several caves in my tank but the kribs n the plec seem to share them. look forward to your help
what kind of pleco is it? there are some that will search out eggs at night.
how big is it?

if it is quite large you can make sure all the caves too small for the plec to enter, this way it obviously will have no access to the eggs
Ive done some adjusting and it seems to work! Look how happy she is :rolleyes: Sorry about pic quality, taken on phone lol. I was removing some of the plants to clean yesterday n she was trying to attack me, good sign i think.


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