Hunchback betta


Fish Aficionado
Feb 14, 2005
Reaction score
Near Madison, WI
I ran thru the bettas at PetWorld today and spotted an oddball.
He was a gorgeous firey red but something was weird.
I couldn't quite figure it out, but then I looked at another one, then back at him and what was weird was that while his head was shaped normally, between his head and his dorsal fin, there was a big HUGE dip in his body. Almost like someone took a big scoop out of his back. IT was odd. There hadn't been any injury that I could tell, because his skin and scales were perfectly fine. He was flaring and swimming and doing all the things that normal bettas do.

What would that be from?
Just a deformity?
Very likely a deformity, possibly a nutritonal problem from when he was a fry. But its almost always just a spinal deformity. From what I gather, they're relatively prevalant in bettas.

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