Humphead Glassfish Tank Mates?

N0body Of The Goat

Oddball and African riverine fish keeper
Apr 1, 2010
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I'm wondering what sorts of tank mates anyone is mixing with these relatively new Mayanmar (Burma) fish?

Has anyone discovered, by bad fortune, the critical size for smaller fish mixed with them?

I'm wondering if they would get on well with the smaller Rainbowfish, or the zippy yet playful Green-Barred Danio.
Glassfish of all types will eat prey up to about one-third their body size. I've seen -- unfortunately -- common glassfish eat zebra danio-sized juvenile carp without the least bother. As with other opportunistic predators, your best bets are deep-bodied fish, so bleeding heart tetras for example would be safer than minnows. Adult giant danios should be okay, but if they're "bite size", they will be eaten.

Do note that humphead glassfish are quite aggressive. Keep groups of at least five, and if you can, ensuring more females than males. The males are very given to chasing one another about. Otherwise a nice species, provided you understand its specific needs. It comes from fast-flowing, oxygen-rich water, so is well suited to a tank alongside loaches and loricariids, but rather less well suited to gourami or angelfish systems.

Cheers, Neale
Hi Neale, I never did thank you for your response, so please consider this a very overdue one! ;)

I would really appreciate your advice as to when you think I should add the Parambassis pulcinella, taking account of the other fish left to add to my Rio 240...

  • A pair of Nanochromis nudiceps (although there is so little info out on the net that I've found and what I have read, suggests I should be patient and wait for a definite pair to form in the shop tank of ~15 before buying, not to mention I've read about soft water requirements while our Southampton water is gH 14 and kH 11)
  • A trio of Ctenopoma congicum (arrived at shop early last week from wholesalers, planning one male with two females, unless you think I should strongly consider increasing the hareem size)
  • Possibly a Chaetostoma plec, as they should enjoy my "stream mode" Eheim 2078 plus Juwel 1000 pump, pretty high turnover rate (2000-3000 l/hr in theory)
  • Possibly a group of Hypoptopoma "Giant Otos"
  • Possibly a trio (one male) of Pantodon buchholzi, although I'm getting concerned at my long term stock levels and something may have to give
  • Possibly a selection of "Hillstream Loaches", but this one may end up being in my Korrall60 instead, to go with my six Aborichthys elongatus (although perhaps several species in group) who I worry for with the Opsarius in the Rio240
*Puts on best Dolmio voice that can be mustered after being up 20 minutes*

"Today's the day!"

After what has been an extra-ordinary week at work (loads of parcels), with possibly the wrst to come starting in just over an hour, I've decided that a certain group of six Parambassis pulcinella are leaving their residence at Aquajardin today ;)

Providing Sam (the manager) or one of the other knowledgeable staff is around, I might come home with the other long-term residents too, Hypoptopoma gulare ("Giant Oto", not with the scientific name Otocinclus gigante!!!).

I will also reserve a trio of the Microctenopoma congicum (one male only) for collection at the end of next week, once they have had ~18 days quarantine in their tanks.

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