Huh. My Shrimp Is Dead.


Fish Fanatic
May 11, 2008
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I've only had it a week and a half. Waters stats are perfect ( Ammon 0 Nitrite 0) It has literally shed its skin and dropped dead. Am gutted! I have one other but am currently unable to locate it.

It was a singapore flower shrimp

:rip: lil shrimpy
shrimp die for a couple of reasons, poor water quality or the wrong type of water for the species. Or they are weak to start with. Often newly imported shrimp have been starved and are suffering from malnutrition. Then when they shed their skin they are unable to recover properly and die during the moulting process.
In addition to that, Atyid shrimp are sensitive to low amounts of oxygen. If your water surface isn't being disturbed I would add an airstone.

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