Why are my Amano shrimp not moving, despite perfect water parameters?

Will take your advice re testing kit, thanks.

Anyway what do you think, should I move the shrimp back to the old tank for now? Or could I keep doing water changes and observe them to see if they improve over the next few days? I'm not sure how long they can be in this semi-dormant state.
If they were doing fine in the original tank, and doing poorly in the new tank, I'd move them back

In post #10 above, you stated that nitrItes in the original tank are reading 30...that's why I asked if you are confusing the two tests ('trItes and 'trAtes)

Get that new kit, so that we can get an accurate reading on water params, and we'll take it from there
"ANY level of nitrItes in the water = uncycled tank" - not to argue as you clearly know what you're talking about it, but this is confusing as my 180l has been running for years, is understocked with an overpowered filter and also shows up on the test with Nitrites at 1.
Possibly a flaw in your testing strips. That isn't uncommon. Slap is right: Any level of nitrites is toxic to fish, so you'll need to find out for sure.
Test strips also expire. Liquid kits do not. and I have seen fish affected by a level of nitrite not detected by API kits at all. Tetra Nitrite kit is my choice if cycle must be perfectly done for delicate fish. If has the slightest "safe" tint of orange in that yellow, if it isn't chartreuse, it is too much nitrite for most species.
Liquid kits do expire, they have a use by date on them. And they should be replaced 12 months after opening as the oxygen in the air which gets into the bottle can degrade the reagents.
Maybe that's why only my API ph kits seem useful. One try and it's on the forever shelf.
I recently cycled a 5 gallon in 13 days. I think the quick cycle was due to the substrate. First time I'd used anything other then sand or gravel/pebbles.

  • Fluval Bio Stratum, Aquarium Gravel Substrate for Aquatic Plant Growth, 4.4 lb
  • Live Aquarium Plant Seeds Combo,Fresh Water Grass Plants Mini Leaf & Longhair Grass Small Pearl for Fish Tank Terrarium Aquatic Dwarf Carpet Decor
  • Spiderwood
  • One 5ml dose API Quick Start
  • Nano Bio Sponge Filter Quiet Betta Fry Shrimp and Small Fish Foam Filter for Tiny Fish Tank up to 10 Gallon
  • Heater set at 82F during cycle, 78F after cycle
  • Added a few plants from store a little before the cycle completed

Waited 10 days after the cycle to add a fish. The fish I added was my betta who had been in my large 55 gallon for about a year now. She had some damage in one eye which prompted me to move her but it has since cleared up all the way. She's much happier in the 5 gallon. I then waited another week then added 2 red cherry shrimp. They are doing great and eating dead plants.
Shrimps are very vulnerable when they have just moulted as their bodies are soft. Perhaps they are not moving to avoid detection and subsequent predation.
Do you have plenty of cover for them?
I wondered that, but they're choosing to sit out in the open nowhere near the plants/rocks/wood. Also I've had these Amanos in the other tank for years, and they've never done this before.
Update - as soon as I decided to move them yesterday, of course (after 3 days almost motionless), they started moving around and eating! They're now alternating periods of grazing with periods of rest - not as active as the shrimp in my other tank, but certainly looking much better than they where. So I'm going to leave them in the tank and keep observing, testing and doing a water change ever few days.

Re: the nitrites showing in the test I think that was user error - the Tetra colour chart essentially shows 0 and 1 as looking like almost the same shade of white to my eyes.

Thanks for the advice everyone, much appreciated.

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