Right just thought before i do try anythink i would see how my plans sound to the experts in the field lol
TANK: 120ltr tank
LIVE ROCK: around 20-25 kg..... about 1-2 inch of live sand (already from an established tank)
Too much live rock can create problems - get less as remember corals will often come on lr
FILTRATION: external probably either tetratec ex600/ex700/ex1200.... filled with live rubble (think thats wot people call it lol)
You don't need an external, so save a bit of dosh there 
powerheads.... korilia(sp) or similar... thinking of equivilant 3000ltr flow rate
yep. I have the K2 in my 128 ltr
LIGHTING: 2x T5 tubes (standard juwel lighting).... will only keep soft corals
Try and get the reflectors
Now to the fish:
2x black clowns
lovely choice, try and get tank bred juvies ....
maybe maroon clowns
nope, get too big and aggressive
2x bajii(sp) cardinals
oh so boring
1x flame angel (gonna be my fave)
little monkey which may be a little too big and may nip your corals
1x starfish (maybe blue just becasue i like them)
nope, not suitable
2 yellow goby's
yellow watchman, lovely - not sure on two though
1 blenny thingy (not sure what types would be compatible yet)
you would need to do your homework well on this one
CUC.... shrimp, snails... (find crabs scary so no crabs...dont ask lol

and hermit crabs
so how does this sound ? fish list is basically the list that will stay in the tank. I doubt much more would be added.
thank in advance for your help