How's This Sound?


PleC & CorY MaD
May 4, 2008
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Right just thought before i do try anythink i would see how my plans sound to the experts in the field lol :)

TANK: 120ltr tank

LIVE ROCK: around 20-25 kg..... about 1-2 inch of live sand (already from an established tank)

FILTRATION: external probably either tetratec ex600/ex700/ex1200.... filled with live rubble (think thats wot people call it lol) ..... powerheads.... korilia(sp) or similar... thinking of equivilant 3000ltr flow rate

LIGHTING: 2x T5 tubes (standard juwel lighting).... will only keep soft corals

Now to the fish:

2x black clowns ....maybe maroon clowns
2x bajii(sp) cardinals
1x flame angel (gonna be my fave)
1x starfish (maybe blue just becasue i like them)
2 yellow goby's
1 blenny thingy (not sure what types would be compatible yet)
CUC.... shrimp, snails... (find crabs scary so no crabs...dont ask lol :p )

so how does this sound ? fish list is basically the list that will stay in the tank. I doubt much more would be added.

thank in advance for your help :)

I'm no expert but that sounds like WAY too many fish. I havea similar size tank and haev 20kg of live rock, 2 korali 1's and a eheim canister filter full of live rock rubble.

I'm eventually aiming for 3-4 fish and the clean up crew.

I'm no expert but that sounds like WAY too many fish. I havea similar size tank and haev 20kg of live rock, 2 korali 1's and a eheim canister filter full of live rock rubble.

I'm eventually aiming for 3-4 fish and the clean up crew.


I thought it may be to many fish so hence the question of does it sound ok?

The fish definite to stay would be the clowns and the flame angel im pretty flexi on the rest.

i forgot to add skimmer but yeh there will be a skimmer i just dont know what one yet, any suggestions?
i forgot to add skimmer but yeh there will be a skimmer i just dont know what one yet, any suggestions?

The aqua c remora is highly recommended and under $200

Hmmmmm.... looks like a good one but cant find anywhere selling them in the UK, not to keen on overseas ordering.

Will keep seeing if i can source one closer :)

Thanks for the suggestion m8 , any1 else with possible others?
Well I've got a V2400 on mine and after a few probs (see my thread i nteh hardware) it seems (touch wood!!) to be skimming how it should!

£70 new...
Now to the fish:

2x black clowns ....maybe maroon clowns ----maroons to big best choice is Percula or occelaris
2x bajii(sp) cardinals :good:
1x flame angel (gonna be my fave) :blink: Be prepared for your corals to become an expensive snack
1x starfish (maybe blue just becasue i like them) grow to big
2 yellow goby's--only keep 1 yellow goby per tank
1 blenny thingy (not sure what types would be compatible yet)-could work
CUC.... shrimp, snails... (find crabs scary so no crabs...dont ask lol :p ) :good:

In my 29 usg tank I'll have 4-5 fish with a skimmer and I've been told that's pushing it.

btw, yours is about 31usg
Well I've got a V2400 on mine and after a few probs (see my thread i nteh hardware) it seems (touch wood!!) to be skimming how it should!

£70 new...

Cheers m8 will have a look.

Now to the fish:

2x black clowns ....maybe maroon clowns ----maroons to big best choice is Percula or occelaris
2x bajii(sp) cardinals
1x flame angel (gonna be my fave) Be prepared for your corals to become an expensive snack
1x starfish (maybe blue just becasue i like them) grow to big
2 yellow goby's--only keep 1 yellow goby per tank
1 blenny thingy (not sure what types would be compatible yet)-could work
CUC.... shrimp, snails... (find crabs scary so no crabs...dont ask lol )

Oh right i was told that a flame angel is coral safe? and i wouldnt have any problems, as for the goby's ive nown a few people have much more than 2 but i guess in there insance there tanks were alot bigger. Any reason why not to have 2goby's?.

Shame about the starfish though really did like the blue one lol, any suggestions on an aternative?

thanyou for all the replies so far :)

There is no such thing as a guarrenteed reef safe angle, some won't thouch corals, but even the better behaved ones do get some specimins that do go after corals :sad: I always thought that a minimum tank size for an angel was 50g, considering they are active fish? Fish choices and mixing aren't realy my speciality though, so you might want to await a more experienced reefer, like Skifletch, to come along and confirm/deny compatability for you :nod:

20-25KG of LR in a 120l tank is too much, there won't be any swimming room left :lol: You could also get dead-spots with that much rock, leading to ditritus build-up's and nitrate/phosphate issues. Filtering with an exturnal can also lead to nitrate/phosphate running away, unless you want to be cleaning it out weekly :/ As a rule, 1KG of LR per 10l is fine, so 12-15KG would be in the ball park :good:

Sounds like plenty of flow there :good:

For skimmers, look at Deltec, AquaMedic and Tunze. I'm not likely to get a TMC myself, after several mates have had issues with the motor, but they get good reviews on here also :good:

All the best
Cheers rabbut :), i didnt actually word what i put quite right lol what i ment was i know people with flame angels and they have been completely reef/coral safe hence what i actually ment lol :).

Live rock ive seen 20 kg in a slightly smaller tank than mine and it looked fine ...however im in no position to disgree with you so on what uve said i would go for around 15kg first and just see how it looks so cheers for that uve just saved me some money :p lol

Size of fish..... flame angels i think gets to 10-12 cm so i thought it would be fine in that size tank but now for the fishes well been i thinking otherwise , on the other hand my nephew has a 5 foot marine setup and if it was to get to big and not seem happy at least i know it could be moved on if need be :)

btw the tank is a lido 120 ...dimensions are (this is water dimension not tank dimention) 24 wide ...16 deep ... 20 high, is this gonna affect the fish listed and me still been able to have them?

last thing......

I do actually want a fuzzy dwarf lion fish, if i was to have one would that tank size be ok? and what other tank mates could i realisticly have?

thanks again all :)

Live rock ive seen 20 kg in a slightly smaller tank than mine and it looked fine ...however im in no position to disgree with you so on what uve said i would go for around 15kg first and just see how it looks so cheers for that uve just saved me some money lol

This actually depends on the source of the live rock, 20kg Fuji grade A would be way too much as this is extremely porous rock and you would get more visibly for 20kg than some inferior rock that is more dense. Hope that makes sense.
Live rock ive seen 20 kg in a slightly smaller tank than mine and it looked fine ...however im in no position to disgree with you so on what uve said i would go for around 15kg first and just see how it looks so cheers for that uve just saved me some money lol

This actually depends on the source of the live rock, 20kg Fuji grade A would be way too much as this is extremely porous rock and you would get more visibly for 20kg than some inferior rock that is more dense. Hope that makes sense.

LOL not really ...... my live rock will be coming straight out of some1 i knows established tank lol so i would imagine its just the standard stuff you would buy from your LFS (but much cheaper lol) just far more matured (if thats correct lol).
Ok more porous rock has more holes in it, the same size rock in a more dense live rock will actually weigh heavier.

There are different live rocks, Fuji, Indonesian, florida, eco rock etc. Just depends where it was collected from. Fuji happens to be the most porous and the best for filtration. Denser rocks weigh heavier for the same sized piece, I believe carribean rock is one of the densest.

Is this any better?
LOL yeh hun i actually new what you ment by porous i just didnt relise there was so much difference from where it was collected :), but thankyou thats somethink else ive learnt on the way to the salty side :) :)
No problem, I looked at this before purchasing my live lock and this was what made me buy the Fuji Premium Grade A, in effect you get more for the money so to speak. The fuji does seem to have very good coraline algae coverage aswell.

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