How’s the weather?

What's with the weather? Huge parts of the US in a deep freeze and the UK is also experiencing a cold snap. Not as cold as the US but we do have the Gulf Stream keeping us a bit warmer.
I'm soaking a piece of wood so it sinks, it's been in the garden but this morning there's no way it could sink as it was frozen in the ice layer on top of the water. It's now sitting in the bucket in the bath.
What's with the weather? Huge parts of the US in a deep freeze and the UK is also experiencing a cold snap. Not as cold as the US but we do have the Gulf Stream keeping us a bit warmer.
I don't know, but I'm tired of winter already...;)
I've been out watering chickens a couple of times a day, hooked up my beeswax crockpot in the coop this morning, filled with water, flipped the lid over and put water in it for a heated watering bowl. then poured warm water in their bucket. temp this morning was about 11, wind chill -6F
I've been out watering chickens a couple of times a day, hooked up my beeswax crockpot in the coop this morning, filled with water, flipped the lid over and put water in it for a heated watering bowl. then poured warm water in their bucket. temp this morning was about 11, wind chill -6F
It is colder than a witches (you know what ) in a brass bra and it’s been that way since last Thursday night . Friday night hit - 29 degrees below zero . We haven’t had that kind of cold in thirty years and it’s still not above zero yet . The furnace never stops and when the gas bill comes it’ll probably kill me . It gets old after a couple days and I don’t have to go to work or anywhere . Just looking out the window depresses a guy .
It is colder than a witches (you know what ) in a brass bra and it’s been that way since last Thursday night . Friday night hit - 29 degrees below zero . We haven’t had that kind of cold in thirty years and it’s still not above zero yet . The furnace never stops and when the gas bill comes it’ll probably kill me . It gets old after a couple days and I don’t have to go to work or anywhere . Just looking out the window depresses a guy .
Wow...I guess I should stop complaining

I'm not one to sit around the house, I'd rather be working, too...but driving on icy roads skeers me, especially with the way people around here drive anyway (terribly)...add ice to the mix, and it ain't good
@Slaphppy7 It’s been so cold so long that the cold is overpowering my house . I can feel it coming through the walls and windows . The furnace is running nonstop just to maintain 68 degrees . There’s no way I’m even going to go barefoot inside and just being outside for 15 minutes to fill my bird feeder about took my breath away . We’re going on five days of this now and that’s really not that long but it seems like an eternity . Here’s an odd thing about the snow and extreme cold . The colder it gets , like now , the better traction you get . There must be some sciency reason why but I don’t know it . Anywho , we’re supposed to come out of this tomorrow and get up to 20 above but I’m skeptical . When it gets this cold it takes a major weather shift to move the cold air out .

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