Hows My Decoration? *lots Of Pictures*

is the tank heated and filtered?

the tank is neither filtered or heated, i think it is too much work and money for a 5 gallon tank. i just change my water on a weekly basis and that hasn't given me any problems so far

That really isn't the right attitude to have towards your fish.
I don't really understand the statement of too much work.... I can understand the money part sorta.. but work.. well... I dunno about that.
You should really think about saving up to get a filter and a heater (if the water doesn't stay a consistant warmer temp that is).

Sorry, I didn't mean too much work. I have stated I change my water on a weekly basis. I meant it will take up too much space for a 5 gallon tank having both of those things. The water heater come in 50w and its too much for a small tank, and I've heard having water pump is too strong for these fishes. I think it is too much extra stuff that is not necessary if do weekly water changes and I live in a place where weather does not fluctuate much.
They can live without filters but they need a heater unless the water stays at the same temp. every time. That means u need a thermostat and a heater. As for the filter, you can buy ones made for a 5 gallon that come with low motion of water so they are ok for bettas.
If it's too much money, maybe you shouldn't have fish.
don't you think that was a little harsh?
I do agree he should buy a heater and filter as they would just be good for his fish but that was pretty rude... :unsure:
5 gallons is plenty of room to stick a filter in, just look at everything else you've manage to fit in there. ;) I've put filters in bowls smaller than 5 gallons, actually have a 5 gallon tank set up with a heater and filter at the moment, it doesn't really take up that much space. You can buy small heaters specifically for small tanks and bowls and filters come in many sizes, you could even make your own on the cheap.

Oh, and filtration will make your maintainence much easier on you and your fish. Fewer water changes and less water volume needs to be changed. Filtration never makes anything more difficult. :good:
No, I don't think that was rude. What I said was a bit out of line, but what he said was too. :dunno: Being harsh would be saying: "Then don't have fish. :rolleyes: " All I was doing is if he wasn't willing to invest in what the fish need and give them time, they don't deserve it.
It is really pretty cheap to buy a filter and heater for a tank that small. I have one of my males in a 2.5 gallon with a heater and filter, and I believe the heater was $10. or under and the filter even cheaper, maybe abour $6 or $7. I think I bought mine from Walmart. The filter is small but it does the job good enough. Actually I haven't bought a filter for my other 2.5 and I plan to because the water quality and appearance is much different. My little boy seems much happier since buying the filter too. It can also save you time with water changes as often.
There are alot of really small filters and heaters that would work well in your tank :)
My lil 3 gallon one has both and decor and he still has plenty of room to swim around. He also like swimming behind both so it gives him more places to check out heh.
And a 50w isn't really too much for a 5gal. Just make sure the heater has a knob with the temp numbers on it so you can adjust it to whatever temp you want and all should be great.
A good heater is kinda expensive though... we got one for our 5 gallon and it ran us about 24 bucks, but it's from a reliable company and has the numbers thing... AND is shorter so doesn't take up as much space. You could get a heater that has a preset temp for much much cheaper, but I'm not sure how reliable those are.

Here are some pics to show you that a filter and heater won't take up too much space.
This is my 3 gallon tank.
The whisper filter is on the left.. the heater on the right. Also in the tank is the decor along with a thermometer and an airstone :)

Here is a top view of the tank to get a better idea of how much space the heater and the filter take up...
Top on...

Top Off... heh....

The filter we're using in it is run by an airpump so if you get a valve thing you can adjust how strong it is. This filter creates almost no current in the water and it only cost us 10 dollars. Of course you'll probably need one a bit stronger though so it'll cost a little extra but shouldn't be too much more. I think alot of HOB filters might give some sort of control on waterflow as well but you'd have to check on that cause I'm not sure.

And another pic showing the tube going from the filter to the airpump. That isn't the airpump that came with the filter though. It's actually much much smaller than that one. We're using it to run the airstone since we haven't mastered the oh so complicated valve thing to allow us to use just one airpump for 2 things :p rofl

So yeah.... see! heh... you'd still have plenty of room if you added one or both to your tank :D
I have that tank! Minus the lid. Did you buy it as a kit? My light always way overheats the water. :/
You can get aquaone filters for that size for AU$15 which is very cheap.

Our heater for our 15gl cost us AU$10 which is very very cheap.

I think you should be able to afford that with some saving etc.
Nope.. I didn't buy it at all actually heh.
I got it for free from my mother.
She got it over 10years ago when some of her fish had fry. And well.. I asked her if I could have it since she hasn't used it in forever so... viola! new tank! lol
She did give me a HOB sponge filter for it, but the current that created was WAAAY too strong for it. That one wasn't made for the tank so it didn't even hang right lol.
The pic that shows the tank with the lid on is all it is. If it ever did have any kind of lighting.. she didn't give it to me :p lol
I have just read all this thread.....I personally wouldn't use bottles in case they got in when they were ill and you then couldn't get at them, but we all have different tastes. My tanks are very bare and my boys and girls don't just sit there they swim about and are brave and don't hide, I keep them like this so I can clean them out easily,.... at the end of the day those fish look incredibly happy and are obviously well looked after...size, lack of money doesn't matter you can tell if a fish is happy. :good:
IMO, looks to crapped and looks a little try-hardy with the corona bottle.

Also, it needs some nice fresh plants, you can really tell those are cheap plastic ones.

My betta used to eat lots of Elodea plant, so maybe put some of those in.

Dont take any offence to what I have said, I am more of a natural person with lots of live plants, natural colours, wood etc.

But if you are happy with it, go for it.

I actually got live plants from Petco, but they were diseased and had black dots all over it, so I had to throw it away, so I'm stuck with these plastic ones for now.
I need to get into growing my own plants because I dont want to get any more plants from Petco that is diseased

if you find getting a heater and filter too expensive then growing your own plants isnt going to be much cheaper and definitely more work than getting the other stuff
heaters are nessary for bettas, they are tropical fish and need warmer waters. sure the tank temperature might be at a good temp. during the day, but what about night, you really need to buy a heater designed for 5 gallon tanks. and a thermomiter.
a filter to me is always nessary too, sure plenty of people say its not nessary, but when ever i set up a tank, the first things i think about are heater, filter, light, etc.
added live plants will help the water quality too, i think you need to get yourself some of those.
filter and heater dont take up much room in that tank.add them to the corners and suround with plants, no one will be able to tell.look at what you got in there now, removing a few decorations to add whats needed such as a heater will be much better for the fish.
as for the price, most arent too expensive, but its nessary so you need one, sure they cost a little, but why keep fish if the money and effort isnt going to be put in?
and theres aways ebay if your struggling, or even the buy/sell/swap section on here.

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