How To Use Peat Pellets In Eheim Class Or Rena Canisters


Fish Crazy
Dec 30, 2005
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seattle, Washington
how can I use these peat pellets in either a rena or eheim classic canister filter? Do I just put it inbetween the other media or are there refillable media bags like those used in HOB's?
I would put them in a cleaned off nylon panty hose and stick it in the trays on your rena. Very simple to add and remove on the rena model at least.
I would put them in a cleaned off nylon panty hose and stick it in the trays on your rena. Very simple to add and remove on the rena model at least.

k, thanks but 1 more question for u arauradiscus; I was planning on using a rena xp1, would it be too much for my 20g long?
No not at all. I actually have a rena Xp3 in a 29 gallon discus tank. So an Xp1 is perfectly fine for a 20. If you end up having too much current, just redirect the spray bar or possibly use something to block and retard the current coming from the spray bar. But overall, my Xp3, graded for 175 gallon aquariums is working beautifully in my 29 gallon tank. Good luck with it, they are a great up and coming canister filter make. Not the sleekest design, but are quiet, and do the job well apparently.

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