How to raise fry


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Nov 24, 2021
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Hi, Im a fish keeper and at the same time a breeder. But I always failed in raising fry. the mortality rate is too slow especially oscar fish.
What do you feed the babies on?
How long do the babies live for?

Most baby cichlids can eat newly hatched brineshrimp as soon as they start swimming. If they can't eat that, then culture infusoria and green water and feed them that.

The following link has information on culturing food for baby fish and might offer some help.
What do you feed the babies on?
How long do the babies live for?

Most baby cichlids can eat newly hatched brineshrimp as soon as they start swimming. If they can't eat that, then culture infusoria and green water and feed them that.

The following link has information on culturing food for baby fish and might offer some help.
I feed the babies with commercial food available in our place. after 2-3 weeks only few babies survived.
Are the babies left with the adults?
Baby cichlids should be left with the adults until the babies start to swim off on their own. Then they can be moved to a different tank.

If the babies are dying within the first 2 weeks, it is either poor water quality (ammonia from uneaten food) or starvation. Poor water quality is common when people move the eggs or fry into a rearing tank and don't have an established biological filter in the rearing tank. Then the food rots and causes ammonia that kills the babies.

All rearing tanks should have an established air operated sponge filter in them to help keep the water clean. The air operated sponge filter will not suck up the babies but will help keep the water in good condition.
Starvation is what most young fish die from therefore I use this method to feed fry.
Make sure to have a lot of plants. They work as hiding spots and provide feeding to little ones.

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