How To Nuke Divided 10 Gallon?

Thanks for the offer JoLtNbolt, but I'm afraid I'd just kill it... seriously, I have three planted tanks going great, and I've tried hornwort in all three of them, but nothing but the very smallest of stems ever survives, I have no clue why. All the leaves just go brown and fall out eventually :X. Even in my planted 29 gallon with two light hoods I can't get it to work.

Hornwort sucks for me too, always falls apart. Besides, if you've got decent light, 2WPG+, Limnophila sessiflora (Dwarf ambulia) works just as well, and actually has softer leaves that the bettas don't seem to get caught in. Have you thought about getting plants online? In FL, I used to order supplies online with a friend and split the shipping. Then we'd meet at one of our houses to collect. Plants from online really ship great, and are like 3x the size than store-bought plants and are much healthier. Perhaps you could find someone in TX who needs plants? There are a lot of betta people from TX here, or post in Buy, Sell, Swap?

But, as I said before, a 1:24 bleach:water ratio ought to do the trick. You emerse the plant for about 10-20 seconds (I've also heard up to 2 minutes, but I wouldn't do that), rubbing the leaves gently. Then rinse the plant with dechlorinated water. I invest a lot of time in my plants, and just tossing them if something goes wrong just doesn't appeal to me.

Sorry I'm going on, but the conversation turned to plants, and you guys know I can't resist keeping my mouth shut, when plants are discussed! :S
It took 3 hours, but I got it done! Unfortunately I didn't rinse the sand long enough :X

"Mooooom, it's cloudy in here!! :angry: "
I bet that was hard work, but it was certainly worth it, the tank looks great :D

The sand should settle eventually but I'm sure I can her a fog horn in the distance :rofl:
The tank looks great Synirr. It's good to know a 10g can be devided 5 ways and still look good. Did you make the dividers yourself. We've probably been over this already in another thread, but I'll ask again, and give you an opportunity to answer again. :lol:
Yes, I made the dividers out of report cover end thingies (the blue bits) and craft canvas. It's funny to me how small Gilarion's body looks in that tank next to the old men :lol:
I quit reading before the end because it is a major moving day for me. I will be without dsl and bable for a few days. Help me! I may not make a dry turkey dryout!

Plants: There is a major plant disinfector. Go to Plants. It's something from plumbing supply I believe.

Clorine: Remember basics in chemistry. Clorine is an oxidizor. That means it burns up in the air. What is another way to treat clorinated water for the aquarium on a small budget? Let it sit overnight in the air. Bleach oxidizes in oxygen. It burns every thing up in firy oxygen and pouf! disappears. :D

The sun is a useful disinfectant too

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