If I had used the smaller bottles, ie a urine test bottle then the yeast mixture would soon have filled it and got into the tank.
PS - I am not using co2 resistant tubing at present. Not sure how importnat it is in a DIY Low pressure system. I still seem to get plenty of co2 in my ladder. Pressure becomes more of an issue when using a diffusor as they subject the whole system to higher pressures
My urine bottle has been in for about 3 weeks and has filled up 2cm. You are probably overfilling your bottles with water. or shaking the bottles in a vertical motion. The water oelevel should be about 3/4 of the way filled up to the top.
I should imagine that the amont of CO2 that seaps out of the tube is quit a lot as there is a high surface area to volume ratio in the tubes. A way to minimise this is to have the shortest length of tubing possible going into your tank to lower the length of the "gauntlet" that the CO2 needs to travel. There is also the flow rate of CO2 to consider too. The longer it is, the more will "leak" out.
As for sugar, this is probably not the best answer in terms of fallibility, but yet again, you should be able to fill the mix in terms of the volume of the cannister. I normally fill up with sugar about 1/4 of the way, then for a 2l bottle, i would add a very good heaped teaspoon serving of yeast (and a little bit more for luck) and 3/4 teaspoon of bicarbonate of soda. You apparently only need sugar and yeast, so i should imagine the bi-carb of soda acts as the catalyst.
I use Allisons yeast, like the previous topic asks. Its cheap, smells bad and does the job perfectly.